A Long Night…


So, Elle and I went for dinner. I think it was a mistake. Well of sorts. We got to talking about our mistakes and then she was saying how much it would hurt  her to see me with someone else, I wound up telling how I have spent the past 2 and a half years feeeling rejected by her and how nothing I do is ever enough. Anyway, I wound up weeping. Not good. Then on the way back home she said that sometimes she hopes that we’ll be friends and stuff and then start dating again and stuff. Ugh. Every bone in my body is screaming RUNAWAY, but somehow I can’t, somehow I’m rooted to the spot. Now I feel like crap and I’m drinking a LARGE vodka


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July 2, 2009

RYN: $24, actually. Thanks so much! You don’t actually make your donation until after the Blogathon, so feel free to go ahead to my sponsorship page, register and put in your pledge amount. After the ‘thon, you’ll be sent an email with a link to the charity’s donation page.

July 3, 2009

If every bone is telling you to run, maybe you should run. Idk, it’s your life to live. Do you what makes you the most happy.