Starting fresh

Note me here if you want me to add you to my faves only, right now I am starting fresh after being away from OD for far too long.

It might take me a while to compile my thoughts into real entries, a lot has been going on. I am trying to be around though.

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May 30, 2009

*Super secrety stuff* Ehh? tee hehe. Sure why not, add my name to the list. I’ll add you as well. Hope you have a good weekend! ~Andrea

January 11, 2010

Lemme add you!!! Been 5 years ! lol

March 13, 2012

ryn;; Oh bless your heart, there’s not a babycake to be found & won’t be for a good two-three years—but believe me, OD will be one of the first places that knows when I’m baking!

January 22, 2013

Hello! Obviously I recently cleaned out my friends list and wasn’t sure who was still reading 🙂 So with that being said, can I be added to your friends list too?