I’ve been woken up twice tonight to a bloody nose. Once at 1:20 and once at 4:45. Is this a common pregnancy thing or is something else going on? The first time I woke up blood was running out of my nose, the second time it was running down my throat. Ug. So, here I am, 5:30 in the morning, laying/sitting on the couch and googling nose bleeds and freaking myself out.
I had a doctors appt yesterday. It went pretty good. I told the nurse who was putting the monitor on me that I’ve been having some cramps and she kind of freaked out and said that all of my cramping should be gone by now and any cramps after a previa bleed are a sign that there’s bleeding happening even if it’s not actually coming out. So she made me get all worried. Then the doctor comes in and I tell him about the little cramps I’ve been having once in awhile and he says "Nothing to worry about! Just growing pains!" So thank you to the nurse who had me panicing. Apparantly cramps are OK at 26 weeks… According to the doctor. The doctor was happy with the baby’s heartbeat and my contraction monitoring, so he said I should start getting up and moving around a little bit during the day. Hopefully this is one step towards getting off bed rest. I guess we’ll see.
The doctor was looking over my old records and came across my failed 1 hr glucose test. He asked me about it and I said I failed the one hour but passed the 3 hour. He said that he didn’t really like the sounds of that so I’ll be retaking the 1 hr next week. If I fail it he is skipping the second 3 hr and is going right to making me test my blood sugar levels daily and maybe putting me on insulin. He said I’ve had enough problems already and don’t need to have anymore due to gestational diabetes. Great. I love finger poking.
My dad is coming down this weekend to pick-up my mom. I figure if I haven’t started bleeding again yet, maybe I won’t. I dont’ feel like I can make my mom stay with me until November. I’ll just have to get used to being on my own during the day. If anything terrible happens there’s always an ambulance I guess. I just really wish there was someone nearby that I could ask for help. It sucks living so far away from friends and family.
My aunt is coming with my dad too when he picks up my mom. And the Ben’s parents said they’d like to come up again to see my dad since he wasn’t here last weekend when they were. And then some family friends of Ben’s decided they’d like to come up too to see us and to see all the progress we’ve made on the basement. So this weekend is turning into a little party. 8 guests at once! That never happens to us. 😉
I suppose, I’m going to try to get a little more sleep. My head is throbbing right now. Fingers crossed for no more nose bleeds!