Time for a Change
I decided it was time for a new look for my diary. What do you guys think?
Things are going ok. I had an ultrasound yesterday and everything is looking good. Except my placenta hasn’t moved any in the last two weeks so it’s still low and I still have a chance of just starting to bleed again. The U/S tech said that she thinks there’s still a chance it will move up, but for now nothing has changed. I’ll be on bed rest until it moves enough to not be a threat anymore. Other than that though, everything was good. The fluid level was good, my cervix is still plenty long and closed, the heartbeat was perfect, the growth is exactly what it should be. I’m in the 50th percentile for size so you can’t be much better than that. During the U/S the baby had the hiccups. It was kind of cute to see him/her jumping around and hiccuping. 🙂
Well, I’m due for my medicine so I should go take it. I’ll most likely write more later. 🙂