home! – and the rest of the survey
Well, they finally let me go home tonight! I’m actually a tiny bit uneasy to be here. I remember feeling this way after my appendix surgery too. It’s just kind of reassuring to have the nurses and doctors so close. But hopefully things continue to go good! It’s really sounding like I may not be going back to work until after the baby is born… my boss is not going to be happy about that. But she is pretty understanding and there’s really nothing I can do about it anyways. I just know she’s going to have a tough time training the temp to do my job without me there. Maybe I could get the ok from my doctor to just go in for a day or two just to train him. I’m actually on "moderate" bedrest meaning I can move around and sit up at the table and all that stuff. So I don’t see what the big deal would be to go into work for a few hours and sit around there. But if they say no, oh well, I’ll follow their orders. I just want this baby to be healthy and to stay in me as long as possible!
Ok, and now for the rest of that survey:
Did you cry when Ash let his Butterfree go with the other Butterfrees? huh? I have no idea what this is talking about.
Don’t you hate it when Facebook auto-corrects your smiley faces and hearts? does it? I guess I’ve never noticed.
Skinny, flared, ripped, or faded jeans? out of those options, faded. I like boot-cut and normally not so faded. But I can’t stand skinny, flared or ripped jeans.
What are you excited for? when I’m at 30 weeks. for some reason I just think I’ll worry less if I make it to 30 weeks.
Are you part of the Farmville cult? I have a farmville but I haven’t messed with it in forever. I’m definitely not a cult member.
What were you for Halloween? Myself in a batman sweatshirt.
Have you ever had braces? Yep, in fact I still have my retainer glued to my bottom teeth.
What year of high school are you in? Ha, my ten year highschool reunion is this September! I feel old.
What’s your favorite flower? Anything purple
FML or MLIA? what?
Would you ever bleach your hair? I would look ridiculus with bleached hair. My hair is black. Although, I did bleach streaks of it in highschool so I could get bright red highlights.
Have you ever stood on a frozen solid body of water? I spent half my childhood standing on frozen lakes. I’m from northern WI… that’s what we do up there! ice fish and ice skate and snowmobile on the lakes.
Would you ever take up smoking or drinking? Nope. Although I’ll have the occasional drink (obviously no time soon).
Do those girls with 1,000 friends on Facebook REALLY have that many? I don’t know, I doubt it.
What holiday is your birthday closest to? Thanksgiving
Are you cyberdyslexic? maybe? Not sure what that means.
Are you regular dyslexic? nope.
What would your name be if you were a boy? I have no clue. That would be a question for my parents.
Which person from way back when would you love to hang out with? Candice… my best friend from highschool. I talk to her all the time via email but haven’t seen here in 9 years.
Would you agree on 80s day, people look pretty much the same? No, there is a definite difference between clothes/styles today and 80s in my opinion.
What color are your eyes? light brown. I really like the color of my eyes.
The forever on-going question: Is Twilight stupid or actually brilliant? neither. it’s a fast read and pretty entertaining but there’s nothing brilliant about it.
Did you carve pumpkins for Halloween this year? nope, but we had a few non-carved pumpkins sitting on our front steps.
Does your family use a real pine tree or a plastic one for Christmas? fake. Too hard to have a real tree with cats. and they’re a lot more work. Growing up my parents always had a real tree though.
Do you know anyone with a play-on name? (Chris P. Bacon, Justin Case, etc.) Nope, not really.
Do you have any foreign exchange students at your school? We did back when I was in school. Quite a few actually.
If you had a week to live, what would you do?&nbs
p; visit my family. I’d definitely want to say goodbye to my parents and brother and niece and nephew. And my husbands whole family too. I’d have a pretty busy week. 😉
Are you good at brain teasers? yeah, I tend to be.
Is your handwriting nice? not at all. I’m too impatient to take the time to write nice.
What’s your second language (or lack thereof)? German… kind of.
Is it uncomfortable for you to take showers in glass stalls w/out curtains? I prefer curtains but it’s not exactly uncomfortable to have stalls.
Finish the sentence: Remember, remember… the 5th of November.
Did you understand Shakespeare? Yep, for the most part. I even have part of the merchant of venice memorized thanks to English Lit…"To bait fish withall, if it will feed nothing else it will feed mine own revenge."
What do you want to be when you’re older? a stay at home mom… better get working on winning that lottery.
What’s your favorite dog breed? I like mutts. If I had to pick a breed I’d either say labs or weiner dogs. I had one of each when I was a kid and I loved both of those dogs.
Are you one of those people who take like, 50 Facebook quizzes at a time? I’d like to think I’m not.
What was the last shot you got? It’s been a long time since I’ve had a shot. I think probably vaccinations before college. But I’ve had lots of blood drawn, which I think is worse. And an IV a few times.
Ever gotten cavities? yeah, unfortunately. I’ve had lots of cavities.
Can you differentiate between the words "your" and "you’re?" yep…
Do you use hair ties as bracelets? only if they fall out of my hair or I want to take it down and don’t have anywhere else to put them.
What was the last school project you did that you couldn’t wait to turn in? why do I keep getting the feeling this survey is designed for people younger than myself… 😉
Have you ever graded papers? yeah, I was kind of a suck up in school. I graded a lot of papers for teachers. And in college I was a TA for a computer science class and graded all of my classes papers and assignments.
What was your favorite year of school up to this point? Probably my senior year of highschool. Some people are really ready to be done with highschool, but I was sad. I didn’t want it to end.
What’s the latest you’ve ever woken up? I don’t know. 11 or so?
Did you ever get that short-in-the-back-long-in-the-front haircut? kind of, but not really. I had an A-line cut a few years back where it’s just slightly longer around your face.
Can you recite the alphabet backwards? nope. Unless I really really think about it.
If you could master one language in thirty minutes, what would it be? Spanish. everyone speaks Spanish around here.
Are you a sucker for foreign accents? yes, I love them. Especially Irish or Scottish!
Where were you born? Is it the same place you live currently? I was born in northern WI. So nope, not the same place I live currently.
How often do you remember your dreams? What did you last dream about? I dreamt last night that the baby was a boy and for some reason I was unconsious or something for awhile after he was born. And when I woke up he could talk and when I held him for the first time he cried and screamed and asked for someone else to take him because he didn’t like me. 🙁
When did you learn the ninja turtles were named after Renaissance artists? I’m pretty sure I knew that from the beginning.
Do you do yoga? Nope
How long have you had your iPod or MP3 player? I don’t have one.
Ever been in balcony seating? yep.
Who’s the singer in the band that’s playing right now? believe it or not, I’m listening to Missy Higgins again. 😉
What’s written on your hand? nothing, but I have a nice bruise on it from the IV.
Wearing any rings? nope, not right now. My hands are a little swollen so my rings don’t fit me that
well right now.
Last time you washed your hair? this morning.
One wish, make one: that this baby will be healthy and stay in me until it’s full term.
What would make you the happiest person in the world right now? see above.
Least favorite celebrity? I don’t know… I don’t know them personally so who am I to say.
Do you have a signature? not really
What’s in store for your future? who knows
What were you doing 24 hours ago? sleeping at the hospital
Last book you read? I’m working on the 12th book in the Wheel of Time series.
Is your mouse a ball mouse or laser mouse? laser
Do you own your own laptop? yep, I’m using it right now.
What do you want for your birthday? probably a few Nintendo DS games.
How many passwords do you have to remember? Sooo many. You have no idea how many different passwords I have for work. Not to mention all the different websites and stuff that I use.
What do you think about chick flicks? I never used to be into them really but lately I’ve been liking them!
In a fight with your best friend? nope
Current obsession(s)? …going to the bathroom every half an hour to see if I’m bleeding.
Who sings your profile song? I don’t have one but you can be sure it’d be Missy Higgins if I had one. 😉
How many pictures can your camera take? I don’t know, a lot.
Do you need to do laundry? yeah, probably.
Who played the best Joker? Heath Ledger.
Last time you were sick enough to stay at home from school/work? well, does the last week count? I wasn’t sick but I definitely wasn’t in work.
Last poster you purchased? ha, I haven’t purchased a poster since college. I think the last one I got was a Claude Monet print that I had in my dorm room.
What are your hobbies? I don’t know that I have any hobbies. Does messing around online and reading count?
Which of the Spider-man movies was your favorite? The first one.
Is Samuel L. Jackson in too many movies? Nah, I like him.
Favorite Family Guy character? I have no idea. I don’t watch that show. The only character I know is Stewie and he creaps me out.
Your first crush, what’s their name start with? C…. Charlie. I remember having a crush on him in 1st grade!
Most money you’ve spent on a movie ticket? I think like 15 for an imax movie.
Are you a fan of 3-D movies? yep, I like them but I always forget that I should put in my contacts before so I don’t have to wear the stupid glasses over my normal glasses.
Do you carry a pen wherever you go? Not really, but I usually have something to write with in my purse.
Bought anything from any infomercials? Nope
Favorite channel? Probably HGTV.
Is your printer out of ink? Nope
Color of your carpet? beige with flecks of brown
Look up, is there a light on? Nope, it’s completely dark in here except for the laptop screen light.
Will you be awake 12 hours from now? yeah, because I’m just about to go to sleep after I finish this survey
If you could, what would you do tonight? Tonight is just about over. It’s 11:45.
Do you have obsessive compulsive disorder? sometimes I think I do. I count everything and sometimes I’ll get a word or phrase stuck in my head and it’ll just cycle over
and over and over and I can’t make it stop.
How "hip" are you? not at all
Is it awkward seeing guys in Victoria’s Secret stores by themselves? nah. Ben went in there by himself for Christmas for me last year because I asked for their body wash. 😉
Favorite song to dance to? I’m not a dancer
Do you have Windows Vista? Nope, we have Windows 7
What year is your computer? who knows. Ben built it himself so all the different components are different ages.
If you had one million dollars, you’d: be a stay at home mom. And sell our house and find one closer to Ben’s work.
Name your favorite teachers, no matter what year you had them: I’ve had a lot of favorite teachers. Mr. Warnez, Mr. Lintear, Mrs. Valhakis, Mrs. Kubiak, etc etc
Pet peeves? litter bugs!
The next TV plans you’ll have? TV plans? I have to make plans to watch TV?
Ever get excited for something but then get shot down? eh, I actually try very hard to not to get excited about anything until it’s a sure thing.
If you could live anywhere in the world, fake or real, where would it be? St. Paul. close to family and I have a few friends up there. If only Ben could find a job up there.
Are you lost without the Internet? probably would be
State you live in? IL
Is its state fair coming up soon? I have no idea. Probably if it isn’t over already.
Do they cuss in the song you’re listening to? nope
Last thing to confuse you? having all the nurses and doctors telling me different things.
What do you hope to accomplish in five years? Not sure really.
Are you a grammar geek or do you use text talk? More of a grammar geek than a text talker.
What’s your brother/sister’s name? My brother’s name is Andy. I have a sister-in-law Jill and a sister-in-law Cassie and a brother-in-law Shawn.
Can you take apart a remote control and put it back together? doubtful
Movies you want to see that are coming out soon? I’m on bedrest… doubt I’ll be making it to any movies anytime soon.
What last made you sad? thinking about the possibility that this baby won’t be ok.
Do celebrities die by threes? I dunno
What’s on your to do list? I need to get up and use the bathroom as soon as this survey is over!
Is it AM or PM right now? PM right now. It’ll be AM in exactly 5 minutes
What color is your camera? a burnt orange color. I like it a lot.
Before we go, how tall are you? 5’6"
Are you lanky or chubby? normally somewhere in between. Right now, I’m chubby, but only in the belly area!
Did your grandma ever pinch your cheeks? not that I remember.
Last time you went to McDonald’s? a few weeks ago. I was craving a mcdonalds hamburger.
OK bathroom time! Hope you all have a nice night
I think I might steal this 🙂
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