Happy Halloween!

Hi everyone!  Hope you all have had a nice few months and that you had a nice Halloween!  We had a pretty OK one except both kids were sick.  Gavin was a fireman and Ben took him around to a few houses trick-or-treating.  I stayed home with Natalie because she was not feeling well.  We had 100+ trick-or-treaters and she and Gavin both loved seeing all the little kids. 

Not too much is new with use really.  Gavin is 2 now.  He had one birthday party already and one is coming up this weekend.  Natalie is still not sleeping through the night but she does pretty good.  She just wakes up for one bottle and sleeps the rest of the night.  She’s rolling onto her belly now but can’t get from her belly to her back.  She loves sitting up and is almost doing it on her own.  I’ll prop her up with the boppy and she’ll sit like that for a long time.  Honestly there’s not much else to say.  We’re just enjoying our new 2 kids and me being a stay at home mom routine.  Here are a few new pictures:

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