Almost walking!

Gavin is totally capable of walking.  He has the strength and the balance – he’s just a little… hesitant. 😉  But yesterday when I picked him up from daycare he surprised me by walking from the daycare teacher to me. 🙂  He’s done it a few times but never that far and it has never been his idea.  I’m so excited!  I was starting to get nervous that he wouldn’t be walking by the time the new baby comes.  I think a matter of a few weeks and he’ll really have the hang of it.  

I’ve been posting quite a bit on and when I went in there yesterday it informed me that I’m officially in my 3rd trimester.  🙂  I’m so relieved that I’ve made it this far without having any of the difficulties I had with Gavin.  I’m four weeks past where I ended up in the hospital with him from the placenta previa.  And I’m two weeks past where my blood pressure really started getting out of control with Gavin.  It has been a little high a few times in the evening, but nothing like it was with Gavin.  So I’m happy it’s gone so well so far!  Hoping to keep it up!  My biggest (and only really) complaint is that I’ve had acid reflux issues the last week.  To the point where I can’t sleep laying down without waking up with acid in my throat, mouth and nose.  Gag.  I really need to do some googling to see what foods I shouldn’t be eating to try to avoid it.  Honestly though, I just had a bowl of cereal yesterday for dinner and it was just as bad as ever. 

Ben’s mom has been coming up just about every weekend for the last 8 weeks to help us with random projects around the house.  Last weekend we finally finished Gavin’s "big boy" room and got him moved into it.  He has been having such a rough time sleeping because he’s been teething.  He’s gotten one molar right after the other without a break for the last 5 weeks.  Finally I think all 4 are in enough that they’re not causing him quite as much pain.  But Sunday night, the first night in his big boy room, was the first night he’s slept through the night (with one minor wake-up where I just had to go in and lay him back down) in 5 weeks.  And last night went just as well.  It’s looking like his big boy room is a success.  Now, time to start working on the new baby’s room. 🙂  We got asked if we had a name picked out for her, and yeah, I think we do.  But we’re keeping it secret until after she’s born. 🙂  We’ve been telling everyone we’re going to name her Helga. 

I suppose, I’m supposed to be working so I should probably get to it. 🙂

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