Seriously, thank god it’s Friday! Even though the "weather bomb" as the metservice has been calling it is just starting to hit, I am so thankful it’s Friday because I get to see David again!

He’s spent the last 4 days at the other end of the country, and he’s finally returning home tonight =)
I’m just sitting in the car outside his place waiting for him to arrive. I’ll be staying over tonight, and am even cooking him dinner! Spaghetti Bolognese yum yum! And I’ll be making a decadent self saucing chocolate pudding for desert. 

I am so excited to see him!

ooo got to go, he’s here!

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March 7, 2012

I wish today was Friday!!!!! I sure hope my computer never crashes, I would be so screwed,I’ve got everything on it. I must get back-up Thanks for the lovely note….