Letter from David: 12th June

So you wanted me to write you a nice big long email did you? Well where the heck do I start? I don’t know, maybe in that I love you very much?? Haha as I start typing it is 7.35am NZ Time and I am thinking about you just heading off to work, or that you will actually be there by now about to work another day. Just think of it being one day closer to having me come by, and also one day closer until we get that little place of our own 🙂 Must be your payday tomorrow too, exciting times and I hope those savings are continuing to build at that solid little rate you have going!


Happy anniversary (as it is still our anniversary here!) and that wow another month has gone by and we are still together! Haha I don’t mean it like that, but that its been another month of having you being a part of my life and just growing things between us producing what we have so that it continues to get ever bigger and stronger as time goes on. I hope that you’re not too tired from your broken nights sleep and that it wasn’t because you were missing me so much or that you were too cold to sleep. I know it has only been 9 days now, but you’re almost a third of the way through the period of time before I arrive back home and back to the airport where you will be waiting for me and I shall be most excited to have you back and just have a big kiss and a cuddle!


I think being away from each other really does illustrate and show just how strongly we care about each other, in the sense that you are finding it hard without my physical presence and I definitely am feeling it in that I would have really loved to have had someone around me to help share some of the experiences I am having. One of the things of traveling alone is that it puts you in far more positions where you get to meet new people and have to sit next to that stranger, whereas if I were with you I wouldn’t necessarily have to talk to that other neighbour and might have missed out on some unique things.


For instance, at the Grand Prix the guy I was sitting next to had been going to the race for years (since 1986) and had so much knowledge and experience of the track and has seen all the great drivers that have been racing in the championship over that period. He was talking about the time when they found an all access pass under their stand and he and has brother in law split it between them and had half the race in the pit lane each. Or how about the year when one of the advertising hoardings blew off and they loaded it into their car and took it with them and still have it to this day? Or perhaps the years of sitting in the stands behind people waving massive flags obscuring the view and then pulling the flag down and getting cheers from throughout the stand. Or the numerous years of drinking far too much, getting burned to a crisp or like last year, absolutely drenched to the core. He is the type of person that turns up year after year just because its there, its his vacation and he enjoys himself. Had I gone with you perhaps I wouldn’t have spoken with him as much as I did and certainly gain an insight into the type of fans that do exist out there who go for the racing, go for the win and back a team forever! Then after the race go and drive for 12 hours to get back home. That is commitment!


Then secondly on the train today, I get on and take a window seat and have someone comes up to me and asks me whether the seat was taken, which it wasn’t. There are 2 seats on each side of the train. Worked out the accent, saw my passport and although Australian, is also traveling on a New Zealand passport. Get the introductions out the way and then she asks me whether I knew any Lobbs or Goddards. Turns out Hamish is her cousin! What a small world we live in! Both in a sense of shock and surprise about this and then start talking about what she is doing over here (study) and what the plans are and everything and then I remembered that Hamish went over to see that family (her family) a couple of years back so I asked Catherine whether it was her parents house on the waterfront just out of Sydney, to which it was. So here she is, sitting next to some guy she has never met before in her life who knows her cousin and knows (roughly) what her home in Australia looks like. How bloody freaky is that? Lol Fun times also ensued when the Customs ask me (being the second to be processed) whether I was traveling with Catherine because of the matching passports. I said no, and the Customs guy was like ‘some coincidence huh?’ Some coincidence indeed! Once again, had I been with you you would have been in that seat and I wouldn’t have ever been the wiser and now I have an extremely memorable story from this trip showing just how small this world really is.


One day I would love to go traveling with you and I know one day we will 🙂 I wonder where we will go though?? Anywhere I imagine! I am so glad I have been able to have this chance to travel alone, see things at my own pace and just do my own thing, to find out more about myself. I do thank you for that and not holding me back and tying me down so much I can’t really get out and enjoy it fully, even though you are missing me like crazy. It really does say a lot about you in that it might be (and is) hard for you not having me, but you know its not a forever thing and that you are willing to make sacrifices and hard decisions 🙂 I like that a lot, I truly do.


It was certainly interesting that last week in Montreal as being predominantly French speaking and struggling to communicate was something I have never ever had an issue with before in my life. I have always been able to ask for what I require, I know where to look for things and then here I go and pitch myself into a city where I can hardly communicate, for the whole week had absolutely no sense of bearing and felt constantly disorientated and just found things difficult and challenging. Yet I find myself coming away really enjoying the place, having had to ask people for help and advice, work things out on my own, make notes as I went so I didn’t get lost so to end up back where I started and had to take complete care of myself. And this is just the first city of 4 cities I have to do it in. Granted, all the American cities will be easier in English, however you do this kind of thing deliberately to further yourself?? Crazy, yet you d

o learn so much about yourself and I wonder if you will notice any changes in me on my return?


Changing tack completely, I have no idea how you write those little letters to me. How the words just come out so meaningfully and what exactly it is in me that inspires you to weave those words into something so amazing. I know I have a couple more to read and I know for sure they will be just as if not even more amazing than the two I have already read. They make me very happy and really show me there is someone who does want me, wants to be with me, work with me and share life with me. But in that unique Kirsty way though.. the way only Kirsty knows how. I so am looking forward to the amazing times ahead with you 🙂


So what, now its 8.15am and I have taken a break just before to get some water as it isn’t exactly the coolest in this carriage anymore. It wasn’t too bad before but now it really is quite hot. I have no many words I have written, I have just written what I felt like so that probably is why things may have gone off on quite a tangent at certain stages, however I hope you enjoy the read, and I imagine if I speak with you later, I hope you enjoy that 🙂


Don’t ever forget I love you Kirsty. I may be far away and in another country, but my feelings for you don’t change and I am fairly certain that won’t ever 🙂 xx


PS. I know I can speak to you about the real things that have happened and what I have done when I call you, but I’m sure you’re like me and once you’re started on a tangent you keep at it until you have finished saying what you need to say 🙂 hehe! I love you so much xx


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July 10, 2012

So jealous of David’s travels. But, the love you two have is adorable 🙂 just like Jami and myself 🙂