Letter from David #1 – Presents!

"So Kirsty, your presents! Ta-da! Please continue reading, as they both require your presence!

You will have noticed a present already, this is something to remember the day by, and to hopefully add to your collection. All you need to do is name her, she looks like a girl to me! Also, just gifting paper isn’t the easiest, you have to show people what you got (showing me is optional!).

I would like to take you out shopping, with the goal of buying you a pair of boots. Naturally, interpret it any way you wish which could mean leather boots, hiking books, eve ugg boots (argh!!). I would love spending the time with you doing this, to understand your style further and get an even better taste of your preferences!
(I’m unsure if you need these, however I wanted to get you something which each time you wore, it meant something to you and reminded you of something in particular. Also something which can last and be multi-purpose!).
PS. This is by no means fixed, if you would like to go out and purchase something else with me just let me know if this isn’t ideal! Haha can’t you tell I’m slightly unsure about this? But I know it’ll be more than fine, I’ve still got a ton of stuff to learn about you!

I would like to take you out for dinner. Date to be determined, but we can discuss this later and find somewhere suitable! Dessert optional, after dinner walk (weather permitting) included.

Finally, I would like to invite you around for dinner which I will cook myself. Naturally we will find a suitable date soon, but I love spending time with you and learning about you and sharing experiences with you.

To fulfil these, I now require your presence! Really really looking forward to it.
Love you so much and I dream of it being forever!
David xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo"

It was such a sweet letter =)
And as mentioned in the previous entry, I got tramping boots!
Oh, and David does in fact cook, and he has cooked for me before. Just not for me alone. You see, like me he still lives at home. But his parents will be going on holiday soon, so we have planned to do the dinner whilst they are away.

Ahh…. =)

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