First update in 18 months!

I’m so slack…

This is the first time I’ve updated since last February, and that was just an entry to appeal for people to go and donate to the Christchurch Earthquake Appeal.
So the last real update was September 2010!


Since so much has happened since then, I’ve actually decided to make a relatively fresh start to my OD, and make all my old entries private. I’m the worst updater ever, so there weren’t that many entries to make private!


So what’s been going on with me since I last updated? Well, quite a lot. Some good, some not so good. But all combined it makes me the person I am today =)


– Changed to a full time position at work and become the Health and Safety Rep for my team. Heck, I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing half the time with it though! Mainly I have to be the advocate for all things Health and Safety, and I’m the go to person when someone wants to complain about H&S stuff. Fun fun. But it looks good on my CV at the end of it all.


– Broken up with Tim. Actually, this was a long time coming. About 3 months after we were engaged something happened between us, and no matter how hard we tried it just didn’t work. I was looking ahead to the future, and was at a point in my life where I felt that I was moving forward (work, family, life in general) and maturing, yet somehow he appeared to regress and had this "don’t care" attitude. We had spoken about us, and where we were headed, and we both finally came to the conclusion that our relationship wasn’t healthy. God it hurt, but we both agree that we are better now for it. We still meet up for a coffee every now and then to catch up, but since then our lives have changed for the better. I’m glad we were able to see it though, and that it was all amicable and mutual. 

But even though I say all this, there was more to the break up than just that. Two words – Other girls. No, he didn’t cheat on me, well physically. But emotionally/mentally it felt like he was at times. There were a couple of girls who he became friendly with during our relationship, who totally confided in him, and he confided in them. One of them actually left her husband because she had feelings for Tim. It was tough. And I’m going to leave it at that.


– I am still having the side pains. They are happening far less frequently now which is great, but still bad when they do happen. I’ve since seen a Gastroenterologist who initially thought it could’ve been Coeliac. Bloodwork all came back positive, but biopsy was negative so that was ruled out. We did however find out that I have very low Vitamin D levels, so I’ve been trying to increase my sunshine hours, but that’s very hard when you work in a building with no windows! The gastroenterologist thinks the pain might be caused by the vagus nerve or something, especially since the pain is at its worst when I am feeling stressed or upset.


– Got my tonsils removed! (Warning, if you don’t like TMI, then skip to the next point). This was quite a big thing for me, since it was my first surgery, and because I had been constantly getting tonsillitis for the past 4-5 years (basically there would only be about 6 weeks between bouts, all through the year). The surgery day wasn’t too bad, was able to talk, eat and drink straight after the surgery, although later that night I could barely swallow or speak. Thankfully I was in hospital overnight so they were able to dose me up on Tramadol, Paracetamol, Morphine and Maxalon (to combat the nausea). Went home, and things weren’t too eventful. I had to head to the local accident and medical centre at one stage because I couldn’t swallow water (so therefore couldn’t swallow my medication). I couldn’t even swallow my own saliva! The doctor was going to give me a shot of morphine, except that would’ve just made me go a bit loopy, instead of helping me swallow. Finally we came up with the idea of numbing my throat with lidocaine spray, which worked absolutely amazingly. So I was then able to take all my medications, drink a whole lot of water and have something to eat (this was all about 5-6 days post op). 

On day 14 post op I had to be rushed to hospital because I was bleeding quite a lot from my throat. Was rushed straight through ED and was hooked up to the pulse ox and bp cuff. They were quite worried since I had thrown up a ton of blood, was as pale as anything, and my heart rate and blood pressure was really low (it kept setting the alarm on the machine off). The nurse tried 4 times to get a line in before giving up and getting the registrar. He walked into the room, took one look at my notes and walked straight back out. When he returned (30 seconds later) he brought with him the ultrasound machine. He had gone to get the ultrasound because he had read in my notes my profession (phlebotomist), and we are always the worst patients! He also needed to use quite a large needle and wanted it in ASAP so that they could give me blood products. They ended up cauterising my throat without any pain relief, which was so freaking painful! I ended up having to stay in overnight again. Unfortunately they had to give me some medicine to help my blood clot, which made me incredibly sick. The tried giving me the anti-emetic that the chemo patients get (it’s supposed to work extremely well) but I was quite violently ill within 15 minute of them giving it to me. The worst part about that was that I had to have the medication (via IV) 6 more times before I was discharged, and each time it affected me worse than the previous time.

But the whole positive side of it all, is that I now don’t have tonsils, and I haven’t had tonsillitis since! And I don’t snore like a freight train anymore, which is great to know =)


– I started dating David! He makes me feel absolutely amazing, it’s hard to put the feelings into words (I’m not great at explaining things!). More about him in entries to follow.


– I

‘ve met an OD friend in real life. Well, I should really say outside of OD, because OD is still real life, it’s just expressed via words on a computer screen. She was absolutely lovely, and it was great meeting her and her daughter. I met her the river picnic/swim, and she had her daughter with her. It’s quite strange meeting people from OD (intentionally or accidentally), because you often feel as though you’ve known them for ages and quite personally through reading their diary. But you also hope that the other person doesn’t judge you because of what you’ve written or how you’ve written it. What was quite funny was that I saw some wedding photos that a friend was tagged in on Facebook, then I had come onto OD and read all the updates and saw the exact same photos! I really wasn’t expecting that, especially since I knew she didn’t live all that close to me.


– I had an awesome birthday and birthday party with most of my favourite people there (some couldn’t make it). It was a Grease themed party (as in the Movie, not the lubricant), and it was pretty much compulsory to dress up for it. I’ll go into more detail in a future entry =)

Yeah, so basically that’s what’s been happening for me since I last updated which was aaaaaaaages ago! I suck at updating, but I do read others diaries =) I wish there was an iPhone app for OD, that way I could update and read entries on there… Oh well, one can only dream =)

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