
This is pretty much a follow on from yesterdays entry, since I did say I would talk about David in a different entry. And besides, I think he deserves his own entry =D

So where to start…

We met three years ago at a mutual friend’s birthday party (well, my best friend!). She always has themed parties and is great at throwing a party, but they always small ones with very little boozing going on (I barely drink alcohol, it’s just not my scene). The theme for this party was Fairytales and Storybooks. I went as Little Red Riding Hood, David went as the Fat Controller (from Thomas the Tank Engine). Everyone looked awesome and had picked something different, and a couple of people even dressed up as characters from Shakespeare plays. We talked a wee bit, but not much. I can be quite a shy person and I tend to stick to talking to people I know. The same friend had another dress up party one year later, but Mexican themed. Obviously there were lots of sombreros and moustaches, and a piñata! But still, not much talking going on there.

Last year he wasn’t able to make it to the friend’s party (Harry Potter themed), but his sister did. We actually got on really well since we have a lot of the same tastes in things like music, movies, career (we both work in the medical field), etc.

New Year’s Eve (2011), the same friend who has these awesome parties decided to have a Trivial Pursuit/board game day, and the only people who wanted to go happened to be David, his sister, and myself. So we were taking turns at teaming up, and it was great fun. Obviously this time we talked a bit, but not to great extents.

3rd Jan (public holiday, so nobody was at work) it was an absolutely beautiful day so we all went to the river for a picnic and a swim. When I arrived, David’s sister was already there but David was nowhere to be seen, so the first thing I said was "where’s David?". Of course he was sitting on the hill above us and heard me (obviously I wanted to see him again!). We all went down to the river, ate our lunch and started swimming.

Or attempted to.

It was pretty freezing since the river runs straight off the mountain range, but we toughened up and most of us got in the river. I’m the sort of person who would rather jump straight in than slowly submerge myself, but I was too chicken to jump alone (the ledge was less than 1m from the surface of the water). So I managed to convince David to jump with me (quite easily I might add, all I had to do was say "take my hand"). 

After all the swimming we sat on the riverbank and dried off/defrosted. On the riverbank, David, his sister and myself sat together and chatted and took a lot of photos. We talked about so much stuff that day that I can’t actually pinpoint any one topic of conversation… Oh, blood tests. I remember talking about IV lines and blood tests. David has absolutely amazing drainpipe veins hehehe (just realised how creepy that sounds… but there is a saying that phlebotomists are always checking out peoples arms!).

A few days later I Facebook messaged him a simple "Hello!!" resulting in a three hour messenger conversation. We just had so much to talk about, and wanted to get to know each other. I am quite an inquisitive person, so naturally I ask lots of questions. Not in an interrogative way though. Questions more like "If you could go back and give your childhood self one piece of advice, what would it be?". We talked like this for 3 or 4 nights in a row (usually chatting for around 3 hours at a time). We decided to meet on the Sunday and go out for ice cream, and since I’m a hugging sort of person, it ended with a hug and us deciding to go out for dinner the following Wednesday.

For our dinner date we went to an Indian restaurant near my place. David met me at mine, and we walked down. Dinner was delicious, and conversation flowed really really well. I actually had a glass of wine, and I actually liked it (I usually absolutely hate wine, so I went and found a bottle of the same wine to put in the cupboard!). After our dinner we walked hand-in-hand back to my place via the beach. It was such a beautiful and warm evening, so we walked past the stairs the lead up by my place and kept going another 500m or so, then slowly turned back and walked back to my place. Halfway back David just stopped and kissed me! Wow =D 
When we got back to mine we sat on the couch and cuddled and talked. And talked… until 12.30am! The time really did just fly, and we couldn’t believe that it was that late! He ended up leaving not long after that.

Since then we have pretty much been inseparable. The only days that I haven’t seen him are 2 nights when he has had to work really late, and the week I was in Australia (and even then we Skyped each other every night!). He often stays over on a Friday or Saturday night, which is great. I absolutely hate having to say goodbye to him in the evening, and waking up next to him is the most amazing feeling ever. It’s simple to say that we are in love, but to be honest, it’s more than that. We have such a deep connection, and compared with previous relationships, our values and what we want out of life are so on par with one another. He brings out the best in me, I’m now always smiling and always happy, and family, friends and work colleagues have noticed the positive change in me. And I do the same to him. It’s just, wow.

Last night our parents met for dinner at mum and dad’s place (with us, of course). It was a barbecue, so quite a relaxed setting. And everyone got on so well together, and they even talked about the next dinner together! It’s quite uncanny what things they have in common though, but I won’t go into that. It’s great though. But that’s also something that I really like about David, and that’s his family and his upbringing, and the fact this his parents are still married (such an uncommon thing these days). And because of this we can relate to so many things as well.

He just makes me feel like the luckiest girl alive. I’m so thankful to have met him, and now that I have him I don’t ever want to lose him.

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