
I received a lovely phone call from David yesterday. I answered, and all I got told was "turn the radio on… Do you hear that?"

It was the song "It must be love" by Madness. David was listening to the radio in the car at work whilst he was waiting for his boss when it came on. It was so sweet that he heard it and thought of me =)

It is true though, love is the best. And with David it seems to bring out the best in me too.

Just a re-cap of my week thus far (since my last update)….

Spent Friday night at David’s place. The weather was atrocious – wind howled most of the night, really heavy rain. And David hogged all the blankets!

I had work in the morning, so had to drive in the awful weather. Thankfully it wasn’t busy (only 50 patients, as opposed to the usual 150+ patients!). David had work in the evening, but he did come over afterwards (at around 11pm) and stayed the night.

Just relaxed and snuggled, it was nice to know that neither of us had to be anywhere and could just be together.

Work as usual, although I went out to the movies with David’s sister on Monday (The Vow, it’s pretty average but I thought it was sad) and I ended up staying the night at David’s (it was quite late when I dropped off his sister, and since I would be passing his place on the way to work in the morning anyway we thought that I may as well just stay over).

Quiz night! It was heaps of fun, and as a team we did pretty good. It was our first time doing this quiz and we came third =)
There were 5 people in our team – David and myself, J, A, and A’s flatmate. Random fact of the night – sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia is the fancy medical term for brainfreeze (aka ice-cream headache)!

My parents invited David over for dinner, which was nice. They seem to really like David, and they all get along great together =)
The down side to having David over for dinner, was that my parents didn’t really want us to leave (they were enjoying the conversation) so David and I didn’t get too much time to ourselves.

I didn’t get to see David today. He was working late, then had an incredibly early start on Friday morning so we thought it was best to skip tonight.

We went out to an Indonesian restaurant for a friend’s 23rd birthday. This is a friend that David and I both know, but we know independently – I went to Primary School and TKD with him, and David went to High School with him. It was quite good to go, since I got to catch up with a lot of people that I haven’t seen in years! 
David drove me home to my place and of course he stayed the night =)

Saturday (today):
Spent the morning with David just chatting about random things… Kids, houses, work, cats… and a whole lot more. I’m currently sitting in the car outside his work because we are about to head off to L’s flat warming party. I drove David into town (since we only really need 1 car and since my car is smaller, it’s easier to maneuver the awful streets near where she lives). I ended up heading to a local craft store for a little bit and spend $250 on Satin Ice fondant! It was less than 1/2 price, so I stocked up (I hate paying full price).

David had just finished… He opened the car boot and cracked up laughing at the amount of fondant I bought =P
I should probably head off to L’s now, she’s going to need some help with her cake she’s making for a friend tonight…

ooo David is getting changed out of his work uniform outside… I like what I see! hehehehe 😉

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March 12, 2012

Thanks for the note, it was really sweet 🙂 Your Sunday sounds like it was nice! I’ve added you to friends, hope you don’t mind xo

March 26, 2012

I just read all your entries, David sounds really lovely 🙂 glad things are going well for you 🙂