I swear its some sort of telepathy. Its like he knows when I am pulling away because I hear a bit more than usual. Today he tells me, "of course I miss you, baby." So I wonder, what I do. I think what I have decided is to continue doing what I am doing, just doing it a little bit less…not as many pictures or texts or the voice message thingys that I love. I love that I can hear his voice, I love that he can hear mine when I leave those "I want you" messages, its like this walkie talkie program that can totally turn me on – well not the program, his voice. And sappy me has my favorites saved. So I still be me and give, but I just don’t give as much or as often…
And the book of poetry, as of Monday he hadn’t checked his mail. He said he will this week…I waited and waited, yesterday I gave in and asked if he got it and then I sent another message after and he has this tendency to answer the last message I sent. Honestly, I want to believe that he will say something when he does get it and look at it and read it…I have to have that faith that he will. And I think he will, I don’t think he is one that will ignore it, he never has before when I have sent things like that….