it was time


It was time for a real entry, it is time. 

I could give bullet points, but then it wouldn’t do much of anything but summarize life in neat little lines.  Life is not neat or in a straight line, it’s so messy sometimes it’s crazy.  I’m at work right now.  My boss, god, the rant I could have then and there with that whole thing.  He’s an ass.  He has a good heart, I think, but when it come sto work he;’s ridiculous.  Does none of the work and takes credit for all of the work.  It bothers me.  Thankfully, I believe my regional is finally seeing through the haze.  The thing is, I applied for his job but he got it because he has "schooling" – that bothers me, but whatever.  They brought me back here to work, I was thankful for that – now we are on a pay freeze and the money is so very much needed.  I’m tired of working my ass off for very little pay.

And the house, its full. 

Electric bills came last week, I was told there would be money given this past weekend.  There was nothing but shopping ensued on Sunday, new clothes for the children.  Two pairs of shoes for him, a $300 bracelet for mother’s day.  I am helping you out, opened my home to you, now you need to help me out…and do it on time.  But that doesn’t happen, of course not.  I admit, I am bitchy today – it’s been a hell of a weekend.  In the doctor office on Friday because of asthma, then to the dentist for a root canal.  While the procedure wasn’t too bad it was the day after that bothered me.


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