an update…finally

It’s so long between updates these days so again, bullet points.

*  My youngest has started summer school, believe it or not he hasn’t given me one bit of lip about getting up and going, so I am extremely thankful for that.  When I ask him what he did at school he tells me, I played with my friends.  Yeah, I am sure there is learning being done but who knows sometimes.

*  My oldest is going to be 12 in about 2 weeks, I cannot believe how fast the time went.  I look at people I graduated with having babies now and I can’t help but laugh – I’ll be young and carefree…maybe.  But still, it is so nice my boys are older, I thoroughly enjoy them.

*  My house situation has an "end date".  The company will be (hopefully) out by Christmas.  Supposedly they signed paperwork this past weekend, we will see of course, I definitely don’t hold my breath for anything.  It is (some days) a nightmare.  It would be different if the GF/wife wasn’t such a lazy one but hell, she is.  And the littlest girl, who’s 5 – yeah, she is trouble with a capital T!

*  I am down 110 pounds as of last week when I weighed in!  I literally am at the gym at least 6 days a week if not the entire week.  I love it, I feel good and even if I don’t lose the 50 more I want to lose, I am absolutely and completely happy with me the way that I am! 

*  Tomorrow I leave on a business trip to Indiana, so I am wary of my diet.  I will have to eat out each meal and we all know how costly an actual restaurant is so I am going to try my best.  I already packed workout clothes because there is a fitness room at the hotel!  I’m excited to go, I need a break from home but I miss my kids already!!

*  All Tropical Storm Debby has done here is drench us with rain and blow us away with wind.  No damage thankfully, I just wish it would let up for my flight tomorrow.  I am not a good flyer, I don’t like to fly at all!  Seriously, it makes me nervous!



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I hope you have a decent time away on your business trip, No doubt you’re going to miss the kids… stay safe…