weiner dog bumper stickers

I went to Woofs for lunch today  (what a surprise) and it was nice to see Joe although when I got there he was busy and immediately put a shot of something down in front of me and made me drink it which I did not wanna do because I had not eaten, but I did it anyway and surprisingly, I felt pretty damn good after that (Tee Hee)  So anyway, after I ate my typical lunch (chicken salad wrap and pasta salad, 7 bucks), I decided I better get going cause it was raining and in Atlanta, rush hour only intensifies in the rain so I went to pay Joe and handed him a weiner dog bumper sticker since he has one too.  He laughed and made me come to the end of the bar and do yet ANOTHER shot with him, this time rumplemize, which I dont mind cause it freshens your breath and he gave me a big hug.  He has a weiner dog also so we are in the same club, so to speak.  Glad he loved it and glad that once again, I saw that it is better to give than to receive.

I miss my bartending days.  Joseph the husband not Joe the bartender, will not let me do it anymore though because I was out so late all the time.  I envy Joe the bartender who gets to stand around and get paid to talk to people all day.  I guess I do too but my conversations usually are like this:

ME:  Thanks for calling, blah blah blah

PERSON TALKING TO ME:  Yeah, where the hell is my pizza?

ME:  Sorry sir, the driver left ten minutes ago with it, he should be there any minute  (thinking to myself:  Its still sitting on the shelf, oh crap!)

PERSON TALKING TO ME:  Do I get a discount?

ME:  Umm, no.


I was a good bartender too, had the personality, the regulars, the look, etc.  I was making up to 300 bucks a night.  God, I miss that!  But I would rather be in my relationship and I cant have it all.  Joseph didn’t like me working in a gay bar and getting hit on all the time and since he has a normal job, he couldnt always watch me either.  But someday, I will convince him to let me do it maybe once or twice a week again.

Anyway, off to bed to start another fabulous, fun filled week of life as it is today…

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March 8, 2005

random noter……..how much will you give up? Long time bartender and married. trust is trust…..sorry, but i have been in the buisness a long time and trouble can come from anywhere…. silko