
Left work early today to have dinner with my Mother who is passing through the ATL on her way to see friends in Nashville.  Of course I feel guilt about leaving early and afraid I am gonna get in troulble over it.

Bossman leaves early all the time so I could remind him of that if he gives me a hard time.  Anyway, Bossman did agree to switch with me tomorrow which is all good because that way I can sleep later and also take Mom out for brunch before she leaves.  I miss her.  She is getting older and I only see her a few times a year

I watched some movie earlier tonight and for some reason, it triggered something in me.  It made me think about old friends I had not thought of in many moons and I realize what an amazing life I have had thus far.  I have met so many terrific, artistic awesome people in this life and have been blessed with always having a handful of good friends to call my own.  I lived in California for awhile, did shots in a bar with Nilli or vanili, not sure which one or even if the spelling of their names is correct, met the first President Bush, loved hard and well, got hurt sometimes but always picked myself back up and realized what it means to have family and friends that are healthy, happy and prosporous.  I feel blessed today….

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March 2, 2005

🙂 ‘Tis a good way to be feeling. If everyone could feel blessed every day, I think the world would be a better place. (And customers would be nicer, of course. Very important.) RYN: Oh wow, I thought I ate them all. I have a box of them waiting in my truck for Friday, because I felt so guilty!