Took advice

From Bumbly 🙂 She so wise.
And asked him when he’d be free next and after I’d been feeling like a berk for a few hours like all dramatic, he did actually reply. And it was funny. So. Lesson learnt sort of. And I’ll be seeing him mid-week 🙂 (well fingers hugely crossed, because he is KIND of a babe).

My question now is, should I order Japanese takeaway tonight? I suspect the answer is YES. Because sod dieting, it’s Friday and I don’t want to cook. I tidied my room, what more do you want D:

I’m going to see my big sis next weekend, excited!! And possibly meet up with an old friend, I don’t have many of those so hopefully it’ll happen! My little sister hasn’t even asked how my date went *grumble* so I’m not even gonna tell her.

Also I’ve been trying to work out why I don’t like this job, I think it’s because it’s not what I was hoping? It’s not organised despite being a hospital ward and I dunno. I miss my old work family, everyone seems so separate here. Plus one of the domestics is really fucking rude. She basically told a nurse next to me that I have done fuck all (this was on my third day, bearing in mind I’ve never done hospital work before and I’m only doing 4 hours shifts). She has NO context at all, and if she has an actual problem she should take it up with the unit manager or something. She said I should be mingling with the patients, but it was meal time and they’re not supposed to be distracted!! I’ve been told not to engage while they eat, so she can go and do one. Annoyed.
Also, there’s so little support for someone new! The induction pack is half out of date and half super-confusing, there’s a million things to sign and do to be able to access the IT system and there’s no clear available information for me to have a quite read about what to be wary of from the patients who have been sectioned. Fortunately all the patients so far have been lovely or they tolerate me, which is more than I could ask of them. BURGH. Yeah. Over.


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