
I am back. I hope y’all missed me.

It was so amazing you could not imagine. Think of the best thing that has ever happened to you, multiply it by a million and you’re not even close. I am SO sad to be back. I loved every little thing about it.

It would be crazy to try to write about all the things that happened here. It was as expected – sun, sea, beaches; but also lots of other things than expected, like going to church and developing a second family out there, and becoming a minor celebrity on the island for walking places, and climbing the volcano, and just how friendly everyone was, and going to the market, and the craziness of the buses, and going out ‘liming’, and the casino and the free drinks, and the gheckos, and the boat.

It would take forever and a day to write about it all. I just cannot describe the sense of absolute bliss I had out there. All the dark things I normally write about, they went away. They went far, far away and I was totally, blissfully happy for 8 whole weeks.

I cannot describe how badly I want to go back there and get more of a tan (I am shockingly pale considering how long I was out there for!).

I got back to England to pouring rain and freezing temperatures, and everyone was hurrying along looking miserable as sin. England is such a miserable country!! Very green and lush though, there are just leaves everywhere. It looks so bounteous!

I am hoping to hang on to that Caribbean sense of bliss and happiness for the rest of my life. I really hope I manage to stay as the new chilled me and not fall back into old ways.

They were the best 8 weeks of my life, and I thank God for giving them to me.

Praise Jesus!!

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June 4, 2008

Glad you had such a good time, and it’s good to hear from you again 🙂

June 4, 2008

Wow it sounds like the experience of a lifetime – I’m glad you loved it so much 😀 xx

June 4, 2008

i was all chilled for a week after my honeymoon… three weeks later I am feeling the stress again bleh

June 4, 2008

Wow!!! I am so happy for you! That is awesome. I will definitely have to look into going there for an elective. I wish I was in a better “state of mind” during my time in the Caribbean… it could have been so much more amazing. I so so soooooo missed your entries, I am glad you are back 🙂

June 4, 2008

p.s. have any pics???

June 4, 2008

🙂 Glad your back safely and can keep this peace x

June 22, 2008

RYN: If I were pregnant I’d be showing a whole lot by now and I’m not so I think I can safely rule that out.

July 24, 2008

Sounds fabulous