Is anyone here?

So I just discovered I could resurrect this.

Is there anyone there who has done the same?

Going to start posting again soon!

Brief highlights of last 8 years:

I’m now engaged to the boyfriend from previous entries and we’ve been living together in a rented house in a new town with a cat for well over s year now. It’s going relatively well considering how turbulent it had been before.

I work as a GP now. I love and hate it.

Dad died last year. It was really horrible. Any death is but his just felt so very terrible.

I’ve put on a sh*t load of weight (think 14 stone) and just recently I have started being super restrictive again, which I think is what made me think of this diary again in the first place. I feel i should have grown out of this by now but i also feel its what i need to do right now.

Enough for now. I would love it if old contacts were still here.

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July 21, 2018

Not an old contact but (waving) hi there!

July 21, 2018

welcome home