Officemax, maybe?

I actually love commercials.

Well, actually just this one.

Perhaps you’ve seen it…

It starts out with a husband and wife sitting at the table, eating dinner. They seem to be having an argument (a rather quiet one, though), and she says, “The kids need those supplies, Steven.” It cuts to the woman shopping at an office supply store (how ironic, I can’t remember what store the ad is FOR!) and the voiceover person says something about the store will credit schools five percent for supplies. The woman is at the checkout, and she looks up. And at the next checkout, her husband is reaching for his wallet, as the cashier rings up a pile of school supplies. She catches his eyes, and whispers, “Thank you.” He looks a little embarassed and just shrugs and half-smiles.

It’s beautiful. I’m such a sucker for romance.

Yes, commercials can be romantic. 🙂

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whoa! De ja veux!

déja vu. de ja veux would be something like “of ja want”. you gave it the old college try, though. kudos. besides, you’re italian.