Why is it that her demise was so beautiful and mine was seen as nothing but an annoying nuisance?
Am I not worth anything?
Jon asked me a funny question today about Mitch – and I answered honestly, but it still made me think all day.
I forgot to take my medication last night due to extreme malise – and I paid for it at work. I am acutely aware of my extreme mood changes when I do not have the psychological satisfaction of my pills.
Perhaps, though, my grumpiness was due to the complete lack of intelligence demonstrated by many of the younger kids. Even some of the older ones (none of my experienced crew members, though) were absolute chatterboxes – talking is fine until it begins to interfere with your work. I sneakily trailed behind a few of the loudest kids and checked their progress with put-up. Only one of the kids was doing a reasonably good job. Tassels blooming with pollen and shootbags nearly bursting with silk were being walked past because people don’t understand that we are out in the fields to do a job. Yes, it’s hard work and long hours. DEAL.
I’m off to kickbox to relieve some stress.
Check out this good band from Fresno http://www.eijmusic.com
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Are you the one responsible for “looking” after the “younger” workers?
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