quercus agrifolia
Quercus agrifolia
family fagaceae
coast live oak
Everything feels okay for a while and then it doesn’t
couldn’t get the all the classes I want for next semester
all of my classes this semester have grades on the edge right now
I’m trying to delude myself into thinking I can pass them
the whole world crashes in for a while and then it feels lighter
I’ve pretty much only had caffiene and sugar today
everything with eric is going so well it scares me
I don’t know how to be treated nicely
it just makes me suspicious when it shouldn’t
I’m tired of thinking about the future and justifying my actions
I just want to be unleashed on the world and worry about the future later.
the library on the weekends is a sad place
I was just really awkward at the guy sitting at the table next to mine trying to ask him to watch my stuff while I went to the bathroom.
Going home soon
holidays in my family are always interesting.
it needs to start raining and stop being so warm
I think all the trees are going to melt.