need your love

We got in the car and I hoped we’d fly away


into the stars and I could sleep in your warm arms


Instead it was a 3 hour trek through the autumn colored mountains.

the constantly curving swerving mountainside

these magnificent trees and the rivers carving between

crystal clear water, rushing white rapids

and you’re here

next to me

and life on this road is beautiful.

the air is crisp and dry

it is warm blowing through my hair

as I stick my head carelessly out the window

you’re smiling at me


right now

we are happy and young and on an adventure


I think quiet whisper-thoughts in my head

the world is beautiful

my world with you in it is beautiful

I could love you if you let me


and the road turns on

giggly sighs and we are home


in the cool moist air next to behemoth redwoods

we are slowly falling apart.



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