Lasthenia glabrata

Lasthenia glabrata ssp. coulteri

family Asteraceae

Common name: Coulter’s goldfields

One of the first successful keys I’ve done, from the San Jacintos

a pretty little yellow aster

but the best part is the origin of the name Lasthenia

Lasthenia of Mantinea was a female student of Plato, who dressed as a man, and studied philosophy among men.

sometimes I am jealous of the people who name plants.


my summer is melting away from me, it is almost over

and david…well he is everything I ever wanted

there is something so easy about being with him, it is never complicated

I’ve been going out in the field 2-3 times a week,

and I’ve realized: This is something I could totally do as a career.

and that realization, that I could do something, is the most wonderful release

it’s funny how sometimes things can stay the same for so long and then drastically change.

I had all these stories I wanted to tell

but they all seem so irrelevant now

love and kittens



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