Ephedra viridis

Ephedra viridis

Mormon Tea

family Ephedraceae

oh, the irony…

Some people preach the weight lost characteristics of brewing it as a tea, but I think it makes a much nicer desert shrub

And according to wiki, the drug ephedrine is derived from this plant, which I guess has something to do with the tea…

The plants are dioecious, meaning there are distinct male and female plants, which was sort of fun to identify when we were collecting seeds.


Hey 🙂

I would have written sooner, but I just didn’t have anything interesting to say.

OD often feels like a ghost town anyways, with little pockets of activity hiding here and there.

I’ve been doing the same things, with the same people, since the summer started, no regrets.

Got my wisdom teeth out, now I have not-so-adorable chipmunk cheeks.

David has been as doting and boyfriend-like as anyone would want, willing to spend the day with me watching breaking bad on netflix while I’m all drugged out.

Something about this feels eerily right. Like he is that matching puzzle piece, that prince I’ve been searching for.

It’s just easy and happy and I can trust him and I can’t find anything wrong with our relationship.

Trust me, I looked.

And my summer is almost 2/3rds over and going back seems so weird

although I miss it, I miss my little house and my garden and cool weather and small local businesses and hippies everywhere.

I already know I’m going to miss him

and he refuses to acknowledge that I’m leaving at the end of the summer, or what we’re going to do…

I guess that’s good, just enjoying the now, but I can’t help but imagine it’ll make the future harder, when we do have to separate.


<3 phoebe


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saw you on the front page as I drove on in here. It made me open up Skype, in case you might be in the vicinity. (of course, the person who posted the entry that is 6 or 7 down the OD front page, might have done so hours earlier ) (I loved the plant-sounding technical entry title, and was Unsurprised that it was you. MSOJ – signing-in shortly