“Your breath was my fresh air.”

I saw this guy sing the other night. He’s basically Conor O’berst.

He played this one song and I couldn’t stop thinking of Lakshmi. It’s very sad so it doesn’t really help, but he puts things together so well. It made me think back to the spring when I spontaneously hopped on a coach-bus with her to go visit her mom, dad and her nine goats out in the country. We took the goats for a walk through the forest to a river that rushes in and out with the tides. The tide was out so everything was drained and muddy. I wore her mom’s boots. That night she snuck into the guest room where I was sleeping so when I woke up in the morning I found her head on my shoulder. She was the best easter present ever.

The third verse is my favourite.


The truth is…

-Mark Wilson: http://www.markwilsonmusic.com/

"If I saw you in the evenin’, and you look just like a diamond, and the stars

were in your hair. I’d take you to the freeway, and show you the new way that

the cars all move around here. While the world that knows your name would dare to ask you, I’d be afraid you’d dissapear. You’d take me to the river where sorrow’s a swimmin’ and you’d take away all those fits.


"And in the afternoon the trees blow, and the songs by the choirs, and the man

in the suit has his pen. Everyone is learnin’, especially about turnin’, and

takin’ steps to the side. With line ups at the food bank, and the future’s

right beside ’em, drinkin’ the coffee with glee. Flippin’ through the papers,

lookin’ for a story when the truth is right beside me. And the truth is I am

scared. And the truth is I am afraid. And the truth is I am around. One day,

one day I hope I hear the sound.


"And then I woke up in the morning, and your eyes was my sunlight, and your

breath was my fresh air. The river changed directions, and the sorrow swam

away, and everything left was clear. And as you lay beside me, with your head

on my shoulder, I knew everything just had changed. This morning I understand

reasons can’t be planned, and that’s all I need to know. But the truth is I’m

still scared. And the truth is I’m still around. And the truth is I am afraid.

One day, one day I hope I hear the sound."

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DId you see Mark Wilson’s opening act that night? His website said it was Kyla Dowden, who is a friend-of-a-friend of mine with a beautiful voice! Anyway, now you’re in BC! I hope that’s a blast! I also hope that your considering of the Quebec organic farm doesn’t conflict with Sharbot. But you do what you do and I hope it’ll all work out. See you in August, friend. -Jer