Junaroo Sneakeroo

So I came down off the cold aluminum bleachers and snuck around back to pee. On my way back I noticed that all 5 seciurity guards were facing the other way, and an opening in the fence for media passage was left unguarded. I snuck between the fence seperating the press from the public and got up onto the risers with the flash photographers who were all doped up on adrenalin and red bull. I stood beside the Coast flash photographer and the Chronicle Herald and watched in awe as one by one each celebrity took position for their photo shoot.

"Left Fergus! Left! Look Left!" They would holler to the black eyed peas.

"Your other left!!!"

It came time for the Junos to start and the flash photographers were asked to follow begind the girl with the clipboard and head set. I slung my bag over my shoulder and follwed them, with my chin up high, my suit and tie exposed, right along the red carpet steps and into the facility. I was then led up escalators and around corners, past security guards positioned every ten feet, each giving me the nodded go ahead without noticing that I didn’t have a press pass. I think excitement had overcome security by this point and things just got really sloppy as soon as the press began rushing aggressively though the doors. Although, without my suit and tie I don’t think I would have gotten too far.

I then realised what was happening. At first I thought I would wwind up in a weird press room where more pictures were to be taken. But before I could count to seven I was inside the metro center looking out at the fans who were all lined up to get their tickets ripped. I sat beside seat fillers and $50 ticket holders and watched the show with a limited view of the stage. Pretty cool nonetheless. I at chocolate and grapefruit.

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April 7, 2006

hahahahahahahahahahahahaha -pgw