Family is easily astounded

Hey Karen n’ Jo,

Thanks in advance for the pictures, I will be expecting them soon!

It so happens that Old Man Luedecke is regarded very highly among my peers. I
went to a show that he was to play at, and it was a genuine experience. The
stage was set in the back yard of a house in North End Halifax by a campfire
and flower pots discovered from old steam-engine discs.  An antique table-cloth
back-drop struck a corner of their yard where he was to sit upon a stool under
a clear september nightly sky. Placed beside the stool was a lamp supported by
a little wooden lamp table. In addition, christmas lights decorated the yard
all about a picket fence. These were some of many homey things that addressed a
crowd of 15-20 local tea-sippers who layed on the grass before Chris. I
couldn’t stay for the music, unfortunately, as my band was scheduled to play
downtown that night. But I shook his hand and told him to say hello to his mom.
He’s played a few shows since, which I have heard or read about in local news,
but I have yet to see him perform. I like his album alot, however.

See ya come Christmas,

love Phil


Hi Phil
Thanks so much for your note!  Wow – you really gave me a lovely description of the set-up at the show where you met Christ Luedecke!  It was so detailed – I could just picture the evening and all the atmosphere with it!  Sounds like a nice part of your life down there!
I hope you don’t mind, but the description was so evocative that I sent it to Chris’s mom!  Moms always like to hear about their kids – I don’t think there was anything you wrote that you would mind my passing on – hope not!  Anyway, she was just thrilled to get it.  Chris mentioned to her that he had met you, so now the circle has been closed.  It makes me think of the play/movie "Six Degrees of Separation" – a theory that all of us in the world are only separated from each other by 6 people – eventually, we’ll find someone who knows someone who knows someone etc. until we get back to where we started.  Neat thought, right?
Anyway, just wanted to let you know how much I (& Chris’s mom!) enjoyed your description!  Have to go now – lots to do to get ready for this move.  the house is turned upside down with our packing right now!
Lots of love,
Aunt Karen

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