Elanore Furrow Fall 2004 – Dec.25th, 2006

My little buddy took her trip to heaven on christmas day, 2006.

The news came as a shock, although in the past I settled with myself the possible consequences of her life’s end. No soul can be held responsible for her unfortunate death.

The funeral, if it can be called that, was a five hour process held by Dawn and Dominique Villermet in their household Temple in Center Burlington, Nova Scotia. Ganga water was sprinkled in Elanore’s mouth and on her head for reservation of a human form upon her restoration. Mantra’s and chants followed by meditations intended guidance for her soul to the next lifetime. She was then left in silence until her blood ran cold, at which point she was layed to rest beyond the goat field, two and a half feet under a young pine tree. A ghee soaked torch was lit above her burial to provide her with one last night by nocturnal light.

I thought about her in silence and meditation for a good while upon returning to my house in Halifax. I hung a picture of her above my hangers in the closet where her food and water bowls were kept. Where her cage used to fit against the wall for the past year and a half now sits a little shrine facing North West. The deep feeling of sadness sunk in only after speaking with my father, who felt and spoke with soft remorse and solemnity.

For the time spent in my room tonight I’ve been trying to hold back tears thinking of how I almost never slept a night in this room without Elly clumpin’ around four feet away. She was the frendliest little companion to ever share a space with me in such consistency. I must remember not to feel sorry for her life, or the way it coursed. She most certainly had a more exciting life than some of the bunnies which I’ve seen caged into dark basements for 10 years. Basements where the same child who promised to take care of their easter present neglect to pay it enough attention after growing quickly uninterested in it.

One thing I admired about Elanore was her ability to communicate her needs. If her food dish ran dry, she would flip it upside down and thrash it around for 5 seconds then retreat into a corner until I repaired the situation. If the water bowl grew a slime layer, she would let me know by picking up her food dish and placing it perfectly on top of the water dish (being each the same size). I also admired her requests for affection. If I went to clean her litter and neglected to pet her she would grunt or gnaw softly upon my slipper until tended to. If I wasn’t wearing socks, however, she’d cock her head and lick my ankle bone tenderly. Never did I mind putting in ear plugs before lying down to sleep every night to permit her hibernatory tendencies.Our relationship had become an instinctive routine.

People who have dedicated their time to Elanore’s 2 and a half years worth of life (in order):

The Pet Store (Summer, 2004)
Adam Shale, and Louanne Murphy (Fall, 2004. Risley Hall)
Natasha Yuskow (Winter Semester, 2005. Fenwick Residence)
Jordan, Dave, Brooke, Jo and Geoff Hibbert (Summer, 2005. Apt. above the Big General)
Amanda and the residency of the Cape Bretton Larch Community (Summer, 2006. Under a pear tree, next to tulips somewhere in Cape Breton)
Dave, JP, Geoff, and Tom (Fall and Winter semester 2005, Fall semester 2006 2687 Connaught Ave.)
Jaya Nuk-Nuk, and Dominique, Dawn, Tim and Leandra Villermet. (December 2006).

A poem:

Two vegeterians sharing one chamber,
Tucked in the top corner of a house,
Each of us smelling first what we like,
Cornering each other, without speech to unite.

You hopp with a clopp to let me know you’re on top,
Your hopps too do stop if I let anything drop,
I’m the only one who you’d let scratch your hind heels,
And I, too, like having you in this spot.

I’ll fix the window so morning shines straight your way,
And your box lites brighter white on the right sunny day,
If it let’s us pass a breeze through the space,
Circulating our breath, our soft lives in grace.

I would come home, and you’d want to play,
Scraping your teeth to programmed CBC,
The feeling in here let’s me know you’re okay,
And we both rest together for the rest of the day.

But sometimes in here it won’t feel right,
When you’re tucked away hidden, from anyone’s sight.
I promise I know why you don’t want to stay
If the afternoon broke with you lonely today.

Two vegeterians sharing one chamber,
Tucked in the top corner of a house,
Each of us smelling first what we like,
Cornering each other, without speech to unite.

Don’t Let me be Lonely Tonight
James Taylor

Do me wrong, do me right,
Tell me lies but hold me tight,
Save your goodbyes for the morning light,
But dont let me be lonely tonight.

Say goodbye and say hello,
Sure enough good to see you, but its time to go,
Dont say yes but please dont say no,
I dont want to be lonely tonight.

Go away then, damn you,
Go on and do as you please,
You aint gonna see me gettin down on my knees.
Im undecided, and your hearts been divided,
Youve been turning my world upside down.

Do me wrong, do me right (right now baby),
Go on and tell me lies but hold me tight.
Save your goodbyes for the morning light (morning light),
But dont let me be lonely tonight.
I dont want to be lonely tonight.
No, no, I dont want to be lonely tonight.

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I’m sorry Phil! I never met the bunny but I saw pictures when you first got her… She is safe up wherever animals go, along with Gibzon and my old dog Hazel…Take care 🙂 kat

March 19, 2007

A sad day, and I never knew until 3 months later. Do you think you will find another friend for yourself?