Corr. Ace in Arms


Long have I journeyed this earth,
From Sea to Sea I have roamed.
I have had many companions,
Many have found their own path.

But one I long to have striding before me,
Balanced behind, on a canoe gliding on the water.
Climbing great castle walls beside me.

I seek my friend, and Comrade to join me on his
journey home from the nether reaches of Alberta. 

I propose that you make your way on the mass
transportation caravan to the fort city of Belleville,
I will find you, and together we will travel to the
small peaceful hamlet of Tweed, where we will be merry
and talk of great things, before we together journey
to the great capital of Ottawa.

You Comrade in Arms:
Your Friend


</i> Although I never met Ace on the journey, we went camping for a week on his beautiful farm land in Tweed by the end of August. Slow pitch ball, BBQ, bon-fires, you name it.<i/>

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June 28, 2006

ahh my god i havent been in ur diary in forever…remember me? im a shattered mess! boo!. long time no type. what have u been up to? i hope im not scaring u.