One (Love) by u2 + Mary J Blige

Thank god it’s friday ! WOOHOO. It’s also a long weekend here, so i get monday off. Then it’s the biology trip on tuesday. So i basically get 4 days off of school. Super awesome.

I’ll just update about my seemingly impossible mission to help the guy in my art class.
I was determined to say something today, but guess what. He.. didn’t show up to class, hah.. Maybe next week then.

DAY 2 of the rose .. looks a bit distorted haha. It’ll work out sooner or later (:

I also got my student card today. I think this is the first year that i’ve actually been satisfied with the photo.
My friends say i look a bit older than i am .. what do you think ? I know it’s pretty blurry.. i had to take a picture of the card itself 😛 

I spent most of last night trying to edit a song for my dance class. We’re supposed to choose a song that we think is appropriate for the class dance piece. (this isn’t dance company by the way.. i’ve got 2 dance classes. a normal class and dance co.) Anyway, the song i chose is Werewolf by Cocorosie. It has a lot of variation in it, and i thought the levels would be perfect for the class. However.. she says "Yeah i suck dick" within the first 40 seconds of the song. I tried cutting that part out .. but it sounded weird. So i blurred it, reversed it, faded it.. all sorts of stuff. And i ended up having a super cool dubstep kind of sound to it. That’s pretty awesome.. but it totally ruined the song haha. I showed a couple of friends, and now they think i’m some sort of secret dubstep dj HAHA.. i wish. Attempt number 2 will take place tonight..

I just ate two donuts.. i thought i’d share.

I really miss neil. He’s still been studying like crazy.

Off to wonderland.
Bonne nuit ! <3


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October 8, 2010

The rose is turning out beautiful!!! The picture is too! You look mature, not older. 😉 Mmm donuts.

October 9, 2010

aww girly that rose looks soo good! i cant wait to see the finished product its gonna look amazing!! and yes your picture does look very nice 🙂 and good luck with that song 😀 much love…

October 9, 2010

thanks for the note girly.. yea i was really surprised we were takin pictures and i ACTUALLY looked decent in them. it was a nice feeling 😛 haha

October 9, 2010

Pretty to both pictures 🙂 and I want a donut.

October 9, 2010

thanks for the note girly!! and yea i will try.. my friends took the pictures so i gotta wait til they send them to me.. but yea i wanna post them!! 😛