Simply because i’m not in the mood

Can you love two people at once? Have/do you? 
I guess it’s possible.. but i haven’t. Well i’ve loved more than one person but not in the romantic sense. Like, i love Neil more than anything. But i also have my family .. if that makes sense.

Who is the strongest person you know? 
I don’t even know.

Is it important to be on a similar intelligence level as the person you’re with? 

Bows or headbands? 

What’s your favourite Ben & Jerry’s flavour? 

Do deer/buck/moose heads creep you out? Know anyone that has one in their house? 
They’re creepy, yeah.

What do you really watch on TV in the middle of the night? 
I don’t really watch TV in the middle of the night.

Who would you like to spend more time with? 
Neil .

What’s your favourite song to sing in the shower? 
I don’t know, it varies.

What do you feel is the worst thing a friend can do? 
Betray you?

Do you care if a friend goes after your EX? 
This wouldn’t happen. But hypothetically, I would care..

Favourite natural disaster? 
I don’t have a ‘favourite’.

Where’s Waldo? 
Disneyland perhaps.

How many chances do you give before you’ve had enough? 
It really depends..

Do you act differently around certain people, because of your comfort level with them? 
Everyone does .. but i act similar to most people.

Have you ever had your phone taken away at school? 


Has your mom ever embarrassed the HELL out of you? 

Any phrases/words you overuse? 

How old were you the first time you dyed your hair? 

What would you do if you went on America’s Next Top Model and they shaved your head clean? 
I wouldn’t go on that show.

Why aren’t the ‘models’ on that show more attractive? 
I don’t watch it.

Any shows you ever watch just to make fun of? 

Would you keep an owl as a pet? And what would you name your pet owl? 

How’s your behaviour when you’ve been deprived of sleep? 
Like right now? I can be very grumpy.

Would you make a good mother? 
I think so.

Do you ever do something you think’s just great for about, 5 mins, and then turn around and tear it down ’cause you don’t think it’s good enough? 

Do you still like Pirates of the Caribbean? 

Old, but Johnny Depp or Orlando Bloom? 

Are there any birch trees in your area? 

Do you talk the same way you do in person as you do online? 

Something you go through more than you go through underwear? 

What book should I read? 
You decide.

</b>Did you, in any way, cause the last fight you witnessed? 

What colour are your bedsheets? 

How often do you change your pillowcase? 
Every 2 weeks.

Do you let your oven pre-heat, or just stuck the food in as it is? 
Depends .

What do your slippers look like? 
I don’t have any.

Isn’t it crazy how you can buy Absinthe, alcohol, + brass knuckles online? 

Did you parents have to fight with you to make you take a bath as a kid? 

What’s the most annoying sound, ever? 
Stupid people talking.

Have you ever been to American Idol? (not just watched the show on TV) 

Is it even worth watching now that Simon won’t be a judge? 

Have you ever had a VIP ticket for anything? 

How young were your parents when they had you? Were you planned? 
Mid twenties .. and yeah.. i think so.

Are you critical about small/petty things? I am very critical about myself.

Do you smoke? Do you drink? Do your thing? I don’t smoke. I don’t drink. But yeah i do my thing.. whatever that means.

What makes your heart beat fast? Emotions, experiences..

How do you feel about math? I hate math.

Who tells the best jokes? Depends.

What do you like about the winter? Ehh..

Longest distance you’ve ever walked? Miles.

There is no life without _________. Love..

<span style=

“font-family: "Georgia","serif";”>Is there anything(one?) that you’ve been taking for granted, lately? No, i don’t think so. I try my hardest to appreciate everyone and anything i have.

Anyone ‘make your day’, today? Nope.. not yet.

When’s the last time you overheard someone talking about you? Recently.

What were they saying? They talked about my dancing.. awkward.

Are you having a hard time? Kind of.

What do you do when you know you shouldn’t hold on, but you’re too in love to let go? Go sulk and be depressed. Seriously.

Are you good at games? Depends on the game.

What kind of dishsoap is at your kitchen sink, right now? I don’t even know.

Are mistakes always mistakes? As india arie puts it .. "There are no mistakes, just chances we’ve taken"

Do you have a fireplace or a walk in closet? Yes.. and yes.

My boyfriend’s jealous of my best guyfriend… what do I do about it? Ehh.

What are three things you do every day without fail? Breathe, blink, tell him i love him.

Has anyone ever said something to you that broke your heart? Yeah.

Do you like eskimo kisses? Hm.

How long can you stand being alone for? Not very long.. well depends on the mood.

When you’re thinking of someone, does it mean they’re thinking of you, too? Obviously not.

Money, success, fame, fortune, or glory? Success.

How did your day start off?

How old do you look?
I’ve been told.. around 18 – 21, crazy people.

Where is the person you last kissed at this moment?

Are you waiting for something?

What were you doing at eleven last night?
Being a sad child hah.

What made you laugh today?

Does anyone hate you?

Where are your siblings?
Living room.

Are you happy with your life?

Have you ever read an entire book in one day?

Did you cry today?
Midnight counts as today, yeah?

Are you a jealous person?

What was the last book you read?
I’m not sure..

Do you hate the last guy, other than family, you had a conversation with?

Is there anyone who understands your relationship status?

Have you ever thought about converting your religion?
I suppose.

What’s most stressing right now?
Just life in general is pretty stressful.

How’s the weather today?
Very nice. Blue skies, clear clouds.

What woke you up this morning?
Stupid Jaycee.

Last time you went out of town?

What is your current mood?
Just bleh.

What color shirt are you wearing?

Highlight of your week?
I’ll get back to you .


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October 11, 2010