Self harm, worries, school, and what nots. (edit)

Perfect nightmare by Shontelle


For starters, i’m not doing the challenge thing today.

So basically for the past few days i’ve been having troubles with my bestfriend.
She’s doing something i don’t approve of.. and could potentially hurt her if she keeps doing it. I warned her, she chose not to listen. I’m going to leave it at that. Bleh.

On monday, a rather strange and unfamiliar guy walked into my art class and sat down beside me. He didn’t talk at all.
He was super tall. And super skinny. Dressed in all black. He had short sleeves on.
Now i’m not a creeper, i just happened to look over: but i saw so many cuts , scars, and burns on the guy’s arms.
I’ve actually never seen someone who had cuts. I know people that used to do it .. but they hide it now.
Just seeing it made my heart clench a bit. It kind of hurts me to see other people hurt themselves.
I just don’t understand why people do it.. and i wish i could help them. I wanted to, so badly, ask if he was okay.
But i figured that would be pretty weird.. i mean, i’d be pretty weirded out if a stranger talked to me and asked if i was doing okay.
So i chose not to say anything. And later told a friend about it. My friends responds by telling me "But what if he hurts himself more? And what if just asking helps? What if he hurts himself more because no one cares? You can help him pheebs".
This kind of made me pretty damn determined to make sure this kid’s okay. Maybe i sound like a creeper right now.. since i don’t even know the poor guy. I’ll try my best to talk to this kid. It just bothers me so much when i see people hurt themselves. Gahh…

I’m incredibly tired. School is wearing me out. By the time my last class comes around, i’m already mentally away. Not there anymore.
I cannot wait for the weekend. Hello three day weekend ! 
So apparently i’m going to some aquarium on Tuesday.. as a biology trip thing. Sounds kinda dumb to be honest.
Dance is intense! I’m so tired and sore everywhere. Even sitting hurts. Now i know this doesn’t actually make sense but in my world it makes complete sense: I think i broke my butt muscle :D. It hurts. So much. My hamstrings hurt. My ankles hurt. Everything. I’ve got a lump on my knees from bruising. Gosh.

Neil’s been studying a lot lately. He’s got exams soon. And i’m honestly really worried.
Love, if you’re reading this, take a break okay? Don’t over work yourself because i know you’ll do wonderful.
Take care, i love you.

I’m too lazy to write more. Catch you all later.
Bonne nuit.


Also, i’m doing this drawing of a rose in Art class.
I thought i’d post it everyday (hopefully) and show you guys the work in progress :D.

That took about 30 minutes. Coloured with oil pastels (:

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October 7, 2010

Found you on the front page. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to help, but I wouldn’t just flat out ask if he was okay after looking at the scars. I’d try to make friends if anything, maybe that’s what he needs. A good friend. And I’d be excited to go to an aquarium. Lol. But, that’s just me. Take care.

October 7, 2010

aww girly i know what you mean it hurts me too to see people wanting to hurt themselves. YOU USE THE WORD CREEPER TOO!! i thought i was alone 😛 but seriously.. idk what i would do in your position. he is obviously comfortable with people knowing but yea i think you should befriend him.. maybe that is what he needs. hang in there with school as well. just take time and relax a lil much love…

October 7, 2010

i know it def is!! i love using that word 😛 yea i would be scared too but if it helps him.. why not show him your nice side right? 🙂 much love…

October 7, 2010

that is awesome!! that rose!!! wow. my sister is like you.. she is so good at drawing. but wow im impressed thats amazing!! 😀

October 7, 2010

Thanks! I’ll be following you, too 🙂

October 7, 2010

Very pretty so far! I would have asked if he was okay- just because my best friend used to cut herself.. and I imagine that if this guy were someone else, my best friend for example, I would ask- so why not, ask him? You know?

October 7, 2010

same here im pretty nice a majority of the time as well. yea i can be a bit awkward and quiet. but you wont scare him away.. and if you do.. well you tried 🙂 thats all you can do! 🙂 aww yes let me know!! much love…

October 8, 2010

aww girly 🙂 you sound so cute. i hope everything works out for ya!! 🙂 much love…