
Raindrops by Regina spektor

Here’s a short rambling regarding yesterday.. and well the past week. Please don’t ask about it. I don’t feel like sharing.. but i want to let it out. I didn’t realize what i did was upsetting you. I cannot believe i was so oblivious to this, and so ignorant. I didn’t know how it felt. But now i do. More or less i deserve this, though i hate it so so much. I’m going insane. Perhaps i didn’t take it so seriously the last time it was mentioned, but now i know, i just know. Everything that i said i’d change and do, i’ll follow through with it. Watch. I’ll prove it. But i need help, you need to tell me what i’m doing wrong when i do it. I guess that’s .. that ? I don’t know what else to say , cause there’s nothing i can do to defend myself , because i really was wrong. I’m sorry.


Today was one of those long, boring 11 hour days of school.
It consisted of teaching a bunch of 13 year olds, writing a timed english essay, a biology test, and dance company rehearsal.
Teaching.. wasn’t so bad. At least it’s over and done with for the week.
I have to suffer another essay tomorrow. And i am definitely not looking forward to biology.
Dance rehearsal was a pain, the teacher started placing people into sections for our piece. I got pulled out of a part because of my stupid knee. (I have yet to explain what happened). But she thinks i’ll mess up my knee even more if i dance.. soo she gave me a slightly easier part. Doesn’t make me too happy .. i want her to push me, kind of..
Anyway, here’s what happened with my knee. I was in my morning dance class (The regular class .. not company c: ), and everyone is sitting in a circle on the floor discussing the winter show details. I had to leave class 15 minutes early because of a biology trip. So i get up, and i heard someone mention "Club can’t even handle me" by Florida. My reaction is to run across the room (with my socks on) , and do some crazy arm waving thing. The result of this .. was a nice slip. I landed directly onto my left knee. Everyone laughed. It was horrible.
Well, it was pretty funny at the time .. i laughed too. But it’s not very funny anymore. I’ve got a bruise about 3 inches wide. It’s black and purple and swollen. I can’t walk without limping. Oh joy. I’m a genius.

Off to do some homework ..

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October 13, 2010

aww 🙁 i hope everything is okay.. but i wont ask bc you said you dont wanna tak about it.. and i respect that 🙂 ohh and about the dancing.. you dont wanna hurt your knee worse bc then you wont be able to dance at all. so take it slow for now 🙂 aww girly you are a dancer jumping up and running across the room. aww too bad you fell 🙁 and good luck on that homework! ryn: your welcome 🙂 <3

October 13, 2010

I’m sure it WAS funny. I slip up all of the time but OW! 🙁 Sorry about whatever is going on… things will get better. 🙂

October 13, 2010

Thanks for your note. 🙂 I’ve also decided that I love your taste in music. And I’ll try to catch up on your OD as soon as possible. 🙂

October 14, 2010

aww thanks for your note 🙂 i do deserve it.. i have to deal with so much drama. gah! i need an outlet 😛 so thank you girly 🙂 <3

October 14, 2010

Thanks! I love followers. 🙂 I do the lyrics thing on so many of my blogs. It confuses people. Haha. But they’re always so fitting, you know?

October 16, 2010

thanks for the note girly 🙂 rest is what i def need. i dont think ive caught up on my sleep yet. sigh, oh well. 😛 i love takin to my sweety and if missing sleep is what it takes to be together one day.. then so be it 🙂 much love…

October 16, 2010

🙂 naw thanks hun. and im glad its not just acting up with me 😛