Photos from last night

1234 by plain white t’s

I miss neil. I haven’t talked to him since wednesday.
Cause he had a party.
Then the day after he was out with his cousins.
And today i believe he’s busy with diwali stuff.

So i went out last night for Jodiline’s birthday.
Here are some photos (:

Sherrey, myself, Jodiline, and Samantha.

Sherrey & moi .

Sam , myself , and sherrey being silly (: 

Putting on the necklace i got for her (:

Everybody ! Can you see me? … the only one with red hair haha .

Overall it was an okay night.

Well i’m off to go finish off some homework .. and to wish for neil to come around (: <3
Bye guys !

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October 24, 2010

aww cute photos!! 🙂 aww and thanks for the note girly 🙂 that means alot to me 😀

July 20, 2011

are you Filipina?