Work, Parties and mood swings…

I’m back at my desk and again taking the calls. It was nice to have a mid-week weekend, cause it’s more fun to have two days off when everything is opened instead of having to put up with the half assed hours one would get when they have Saturday and Sundays off. I used the first day to take Ethan to the mall, which was a lot of fun. I like hanging out with my little guy, but I don’t let him wander off on his own at all. Usually I’ll keep him in the stroller until I have all my shopping done, and then let him out to run around when I am not looking at anything and can give him my full, undivided attention. Lately, Ethan has been walking around while holding our hand, which is something both Leah and the Daycare have been trying to encourage. He’s been picking up on it well, and I’ve been trying my best to reward this kind of behavior, because its something we want him to do when walking around, especially when crossing the streets. The cutest part about this is when Ethan gets tired and wants to go to bed, he’ll take our hand and walk us to his crib so we can put him into it. He also loves to sleep on a pillow now, as he has been for the last six months. Not only does he love his pillow, he’ll lie his whole body across it and not just his head. I’ll have to take picture sometime, it’s very cute.

Speaking of photos, I feel so ashamed about the state our current photo collection is. I have over five rolls of film that has yet to be developed and I need to not only take care of this but also get some new pictures on the go . I’ve got to get some film so that I can document Ethan’s 2nd Birthday, as well as get a new potrait done at the local Walmart so that we can have something nice to send out to everyone. I still have two rolls from May’s vacation to Tennessee and one roll of the Greyhound picnic that need to be developed cause I’m eager to get them posted here for all to see. They are bound to be some amazing picture son these rolls so I’ll have to take advantage of it. I’m also thinking of doing a web boradcast over MSN Messenger during Ethan’s Birthday party so family members in other provinces/states can watch the kids play from thousands of miles away. The newest version of MSN allows you to view more than one at a time but I’ll only keep a few window open to make sure those watching get a decent feed. Gotta love technology, eh?

Thanks to all of those who showed convcern over my current occupation of the couch. Leah, being the loving person she is has forgiven my sorry ass again. As a result, all is well back here on the island. She feels a little better, and I am sure a lot of her anger could have been hormone related since she is almost at then end of her second trimester with the new baby. So I’ve pretty much learned to let it all slide since its getting the point where I can no longer tell the difference between real anger and mood swings. So I’ve been passing it all off as mood swings. So lately my motto when Leah gets upset at me is to just go with the flow and ride it out. Eventually all will be well again, and as long as I keep my yap shut… it will eventually pass.

So that’s it for now here from the island. I hope everyone is having a great friday, and enjoy the weekend! I’m working all weekend, but if the days are slow I’ll do my best to at least leave a few notes if not a few entries. Until then, take care.


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September 9, 2005

Not sure what the couch occupation is about, but glad you guys are hanging in there. 🙂 Happy Friday, Peter.

September 9, 2005

My son used to put his head on the step leading up to his room when he wanted to go to bed. That’s one of my fondest memories. He’s 28 and he he still gets a kick out of hearing little stories about himself as a baby.

September 9, 2005

Whatever you do, don’t ask her if it was hormone related.

September 10, 2005

I love my digital camera. I can organize all my pictures online and burn them to cd’s. And I can either print them out myself or just take a cd to walmart and have them give me prints, so I get just the ones I want and I don’t have to wait for them to be developed to see who’s eyes were shut, etc. I definitely recommend it.