Who has kept you safer?

Today is September 12th, 2009.

The first Sept 12th into Barack Obama’s first term and there have been no attacks. No buildings have fallen down, no planes have crashed and the United States is safe and chugging along like always. Business as usual. This means Obama will have officially kept the US safer longer than George Bush did. You can’t argue with it. Obama has passed the same day and there hasn’t been a major attack, not with this guy in charge. George W. Bush at this time in 2001 was in office when thousands died and buildings fell. The worst attack in US history occurred, and it was all on his watch.

Do you remember what the Republicans tried to say when the US got hit by the worst terrorist strike in US history on this same date in Bush’s first term? It wasn’t his fault, it’s only his first year! They tried to claim that it was far too early in his administration! They even tried to suggest that it was unpatriotic to suggest such a thing. No one could blame Bush for anything that happened before 9/11 in his first term because he was still doing on the job training. Pathetic, I know but the really did say this!

Here’s a very interesting question, what do you think those same Republicans would say if the same attack occurred on his watch? You know what they would say. They would blame him for everything, just like they have tried to blame Obama for everything so far in his first nine months on the job. Do you think any of them would reconsider if Obama stood up and said, I’m new… you can’t judge me this early into my administration. Not one, would… ever.

Yet that’s exactly what Bush and the Republicans wanted people to do. Forgive him for the most horrific attack in his nation’s history because he was too lazy to read a memo on his desk that was given to him at his ranch on August 6th that same year. Too busy playing golf and cutting weeds to listen to Richard Clarke who was trying to ring the alarm bell concerning a future attack.

Now, do you think they’ve used that same standard for Obama? No, the GOP is still the same big, fat hypocritical elephant they’ve always been. Do what I say, not what I do is their basic motto. They can’t even be respectful enough to shut the hell up during an address to congress without heckling someone who is trying to get through a televised event. Could you imagine the outrage that would have come from the GOP had a Democrat did that during one of Bush’s addresses to Congress? they would have called that person unpatriotic, a traitor and someone with little or no decency or manners. Yet that appears okay to do during Obama’s speeches.

Nice try guys, that lack of manners however has become quite common from Repulbicans during the current administration. They are not even able to muster up the same respect the Democrats showed George W. Bush during his administration, and the answer to that is clear for all to see. They don’t respect the President not because of his party or where he comes from, but because of the color of his skin. Had that been Joe Biden up there making the speech or Hillary Clinton, I doubt there would have been peep one from anyone. Republicans are working hard to prove to us what we all already know: they’re a bunch of old, cranky, racists who need to wake up and smell the 21st Century.

Obama bashers can complain all they want, but all you have to do is look at the date to realize that he’s already doing a better job than the guy before him. That my friends if a fact, whether you like it or not.


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September 12, 2009

In fairness, the Republicans were mostly right when they defended Bush. The memo didn’t have much information for them to act on. I also disagree that more than a sliver of the criticism of Obama is based on race. It’s mostly based on him being a Democrat. Republicans hate Democrats, same as Democrats hate Republicans.

September 12, 2009

Tiamitty, I’m afraid you are wrong—Repulsicans ARE racists, right down to the man on the street. They hate anyone who is not a white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant with lots and lots of money. They don’t want anyone except themselves to be able to make money and be more than poverty-level. Wake up and smell the coffee!

September 12, 2009

it’s sad when you can no longer tell if people are even being serious anymore.

*smiles and nods*

September 12, 2009

How’s that Kool-Aid taste? How many Repubs have compared Obama to Hitler so far? At least now that Obama is in office, now DemoNcrats don’t have to boycott every military action. They can actually pretend to be patriots because they can support the CIC now.

September 12, 2009

I’m a republican and I am nowhere NEAR racist. Thanks for lumping me in with a total stereotype, but it’s only wrong when Republicans stereotype, right? *eyeroll*

September 12, 2009

I really hate to be picky, but Bush’s record of keeping America safe is actually 7 years and some months, beating his previous record of 8 months. Obama has beaten Bush’s first record, not his second.

September 12, 2009

Wow. Some of your noters should know better… Re: The Obama-Hitler comparisons, Ullyses, refer to the following: http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/2009/08/07/limbaugh/ http://mediamatters.org/research/200802130016 http://mediamatters.org/mmtv/200908270036 http://mediamatters.org/research/200807240001 http://firedoglake.com/2009/07/09/jim-demint-is-latest-republican-to-compare-obama-to-hitler/ And enough with the Kool-Aid crap already. The people buying into the lies about death panels and socialism are the ones drinking the Kool-Aid. And how about this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpYHL5wvD1A. Pundits are never right. Who’s wanting you to drink the Kool-Aid again? Seriously, though, a lot of people are unfortunately racist, no matter their politics. Racism (along with other forms of prejudice) is woven into the hegemony of American discourse. Unfortunately, immature name-calling seems to be common amongst us, too. Repulsicans? Demoncrats? Grow the fuck up, children. You discredit yourselves by stooping to such levels. Anyway, good entry. I, too, wish that people would respect Obama more. The man is trying to clean up a major mess here… ~*

September 12, 2009

Both parties are hypocrites, and no American party or president can be blamed for 9/11. They may all be crooks, but terrorists don’t care which crook is in office. On top of that, it’s dishonest to blame Bush for not being able to stop the attacks based on vague memos. I’m confident that a president gets all kinds of vague memos that he can’t do anything about, much less know which are legit.

I agree both parties are hypocrites. And the sad part is media, both main stream and otherwise are so tunnel visioned in their beliefs that they aren’t doing anything for the country. And to Lasergirl, I hope your joking. To label Republicans as racist is wrong. MSNBC was so biased they edit a video of a black man because he didn’t care for the president. They even called him white.

If that isn’t clear biased and straight out lies. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYKQJ4-N7LI (first was MSNBC version) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7syx26QtQIM Then here is when it’s not edited to a point where you can’t tell the actual race. News is to report and not distort facts. Was he an idiot for carrying a semi assault rifle? Yes no doubt. Was he white? No.

Just because a person disagrees with the president doesn’t make them white or racist. I prefer to be an independent thinker and go on the major issues. I believe in free health care, but not as it is proposed. I believe we need to always question and never just accept what comes across the tv.

September 13, 2009

Whats offensive, is your sterotyping.

September 13, 2009

Saying all Republicans are racists is one of the most ignorant declarations I’ve heard yet, though saying 9/11 is Bush’s fault is pretty far up there. I’m pretty sure this post is nothing but a bunch of hate rage at Republicans. I know Democrats who didn’t vote for Obama. I know Republicans who didn’t vote for Bush. Political parties are the worst thing to ever happen to this country.

September 13, 2009

I was going to compliment you on your awesome profile picture, but apparently I’m an old, cranky racist, so heaven forbid I should say anything nice! The world might end or something.

September 13, 2009

“I’m confident that a president gets all kinds of vague memos that he can’t do anything about, much less know which are legit.” Hm, dunno how vague “Bin Laden Determined To Attack Within The United States” is…

September 13, 2009

Can I just say also, that if something terrible DID happen during Obama’s time in office, whether it be terrorism or a natural disaster, Obama would do a much better f*cking job than that ass-waste, brain-dead piece of stupid G.W ever did or ever could do.

September 14, 2009

What a GREAT entry!!! If it had not already been on RC I’d have voted for it to be listed there. Great job!!!

September 15, 2009

I suppose that the Republican Thomas Sowell is a racist as well.