The end is coming… for 2023

Holy shit balls! Can you believe this year is almost over?

It only feels like yesterday the year was just getting started, and now we’re about to waste money on gifts and festive cheer in the blink of an eye. All the kids are suddenly a year older and we’ve lost some beloved friends and family along the way.

2023 has been a year of ups and downs for me as well, but in the ends I’m here to report that things are well… or as well as they can be. I’m still kicking and writing like a madman. All the kiddos are fine and growing like weeds. Same old, same old I suppose, but sometimes I’m good with that cause things can always be worse.

I like to think 2023 was a very productive year, and one that will be logged in the books as a decent time for yours truly. Not perfect by any means, and no lottery wins were had, but overall I really have nothing to complain about.

Some of this years highlights were the concerts of course, as I managed to see Crowded House, Dierks Bentley, and I took Ethan to see Alan Doyle. I didn’t get to see all the shows I wanted but that was more than enough. I self published a novel and two poetry books this year as well, and I might have another novel out before the new year if I get my arse in gear. If not that one might come out in January or maybe even February. I tend to set a lot of unrealistic goals for myself, but I find if I do that I get a long more done than I would if I made a smaller list of goals. That seems to work for me, so I’m going to stick to that strategy for 2024 as well.

I successfully finished another Nanowrimo last month, crossing the 50K finish line with relative ease. That novel I was writing, which was a political thriller about conspiracy theories, isn’t finished yet, but thanks to the writing marathon it’s off to a great start and could be finished and self published by summer of next year if all goes well.

All year I’ve also been writing two novels on in addition to all the other work I’ve been doing. These novels are looking so good, that I plan to take the traditional route with them rather than just self publish like I have been for many years now. I’ve got a very cute Jane Austin wannabe romance novel that I am going to submit to Harlequin, who do accept submissions all the time and pay rather well for novels that are accepted. The other novel that I’m working on is a modern fantasy novel about wizards, and this is the one I’m willing to endure the querying process for. I’m willing to take on that fresh hell, just for the chance to have a novel get published with one of the big boys. If all else fails, I can always self-pub like I’ve always done before, but this time I’m going to make an effort before posting them myself.

So, that’s what I’ve been up to in 2023. Here’s hoping that the next year is better to us.

I am going to attempt to post a few more times before the year ends out. I am determined to make one of those posts the best films of 2023, and I’m excited to write that one… cause this has been a decent year for cinema.

Just in case I don’t see you, happy holidays and best wishes for a bitchin’ 2024.

Until then, take care everyone!



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December 16, 2023

Hope you have a good year 🙂