Survey stolen from Solovoice…
Not really in the mood to post a real entry right now, so I’m going with a survey for now. Might get the inspiration to write something later, but for now this will have to do. Later…
1. Ever cheated on someone? How many times?
To this day I have not cheated on anyone. During the course of my soon to be 11 year marriage I’ve had plenty of chances to do so, but have thus far managed to make the right choice. It doesn’t matter if she’ll never know about it, the truth is I would that would be too much for me to handle. If I get to the point where I want to be with someone else that much, I will just be honest with my wife and tell her its over. I haven’t gotten to that point yet, and I’m not sure I ever will.
2. How old were you when you lost your virginity?
I was a little younger than I would have liked, but I was lucky to have been safe. I know people who were not as lucky and paid a heavy price for their irresponsibility.
3. How many people have you given oral sex to?
A few, but I don’t need to provide an exact number. I’m not here to brag.
4. Do you know anybody who was raped? How many people?
I don’t personally know anyone who was, but most go unreported so you never know.
5. Did you ever do anything sexual on your parents bed?
No, ewww… just the thought is a complete turn off.
6. Ever been “the other person” in an affair?
No. Never. I would never want to be that person, and likely never will be.
7. How many people do you have a crush on right now?
A lot. There is nothing wrong with having a crush on someone. Personally, I think it’s better to admit you have one rather than deny it. Cause at least if you acknowledge it, you can deal with it and do the responsible thing, which in my case is nothing.
8. How many people have you been in love with?
I don’t think you can really, really be in love with someone until you hang out with them and get to know that person for who they really, really are. Until then, you just like someone. On that basis I like a lot of people, but love… no idea.
9. Ever had a one night stand?
No. I don’t like the idea of one night stands. If you don’t know the person, it’s not worth the risk.
10. Ever gotten drunk and couldn’t remember the night?
Never, it’s more fun to remember it cause those are fun memories.
11. Ever been sexually harassed and/or assaulted?
Yes. I used to work at a call center where I was only one of two men in a staff of almost fifteen. Because of that uneven ratio, I was the recipient of some unwanted sexual comments and soemtimes even sexual advances. I didn’t say anything or complain about it. It was a good job and I wanted to keep it as long as possible to support my family. I eventually moved to the night shift which was better because I worked alone and free of that kind of conduct.
12. Ever had a crush on your neighbor?
Of course. Who hasn’t?
13. Ever sneaked out of the house?
Yes, one time when I was fifteen, I snuk out of the to attend an all night pool party. It was a lot of fun and worth risking my parent’s wrath.
14. How many illegal drugs have you tried?
Only those that were prescribed by my doctor.
15. Do you do any drugs regularly?
Refer to previous answer. If this is a reference to illegal narccotics, the answer is no. I have never done any of those drugs and I never will. Just my personal choice…
16. If you’re underage, do you still drink and/or smoke cigarettes?
I’m not underage but I’ll answer it anyway. I do not smoke. Never have and never will.
As for drinking, I do that socially. I love to drink when out with friends or have a nice glass of wine with a special meal. Besides that I limit my alcohol consumption incredibily.
17. Ever cut yourself? How long ago?
I don’t like the idea of self-mutilation. So that’s a big no there…
18. Ever attempted suicide?
Yes. That’s all I’m going to say.
19. Ever been to therapy? What for?
Well the previous answer is grounds to talk to a professional, but I’ve also talked to someone for issues of depression, anger management and also issues with my marriage.
20. Have you ever been so upset that you stopped eating?
Nope, sometimes I experience the exact opposite.
21. Are you clinically depressed? Are you taking anything for it?
I haven’t been formally diagnosed and I am not on any drugs for that.
22. Ever hooked up with someone and regretted it?
No. I was very picky about who I was with so no regrets.
23. How old were you when you first got kissed?
I was ten. It was a soft lip to lip, no tongue kiss.
24. Is there any “friend” of yours that you secretly hate but talk to anyways?
I have a few friends that I don’t like as much as I claim to but they are loyal and people like that don’t grow on trees.
25. Ever been in a relationship and wanted to end it, but stuck with it for some reason?
I’m married so I’ve had many moments like that … but they pass.
26. Ever sent naked pictures to someone?
No. Never. I don’t like the idea of someone having the power to forward or post them online.
27. What about sent them to someone you met over the internet?
I don’t like the idea of my picture like that being available online. I would never trust anyone with that power, especially someone I don’t really know.
28. Ever been abused?
I answered this question already. I’ve been abused in the workplace. More than one actually if you include the mental abuse that I took from the big call center I worked at before leaving the island.
29. Did you ever run away? How long were you gone for and what happened?
Nope, never ran away. I knew I had a good thing and didn’t take it for granted.
30. Do you ever lie to yourself about things so much that you believe it?
No. I know what the truth is, and you need to be honest with yourself or you’ll never have a legitimate chance to resolve anything that bothers you.
31. Ever liked someone else while dating someone?
Sure, but like I said before liking someone isn’t wrong. Doing something about it is…
32. Ever dated a friend’s ex?
Nope, that’s just not cool.
33. Ever done something with your friend’s significant other?
Never. Real friends don’t sleep with their friend’s soul mates…
34. Did anyone ever confide in you about being gay/lesbian?
Weird thing, usually when someone takes the time to break the news to me, not like it’s something that would end a friendship or anything… usually that person was in the process of telling the world. I’ve neverhad to keep it secret.
35. Have you ever questioned your sexuality?
No, I’m quite content with where I am right now.
36. Do you know of someone who has done a horrible crime but never got caught?
No, no one has confided to me with any such information.
37. Ever stole a large sum of money?
Nope, if I had a lot of my favs would have life time memberships. 🙂
38. Ever purposely threw up?
No, I go out of my way to avoid doing that. I can’t stand vomitting.
39. Ever had an eating disorder? What happened?
Nope, I don’t think so.
40. Did you or anyone you know have an abortion?
I know one person who has. My wife escourted her to the clinic to get this done, and I found out about it because I found paper work (like a survey) from the clinic in her purse. I confronted her about it and she told me the truth about what her friend who I know went through. Interesting thing is this person never told her boyfriend about the abortion, and is now set to marry that person in four months time. I’m conflicted because I don’t think people getting married should have secrets, yet I am aware of a huge one that she has obviously kept from him for years (at least four now). I feel that if they walk into their marriage with this big secret, it could jinx their attempt to live happily ever after. But then again I am aware that it is likely not my place to step in and say anything. But then again if I don’t, who will?
41. Were you or any of your siblings an accident?
I don’t know and I don’t care. The fact is I’m here and that’s all that matters…
42. Ever found porn on your parents’ computer?
Nope, and I don’t care to either…
43. Do you look at porn?
Well I’m a guy… so the answer is a resounding YES. All men do. Those who claim they don’t are either lying or blind.
44. How many people have seen you naked in person?
A few people have. I’ve gone skinny dipping a few times in my youth and even if I never went all the way with some women, sometimes we went to 3rd base and then slept the rest of the night together. So quite a few people have…
45. What about through pictures?
Nope, no such pictures exist.
46. Ever had phone sex and/or cybered?
I never got used to the idea. Much prefer to save my imagination and talent for the real thing.
47. Ever got a piercing behind your parent’s back?
Like I said before, I’m not into self mutilation.
48. Ever sold or bought an illegal substance (drugs, or something you shouldn’t be buying at your age, things like that)?
The only thing I bought at an early age was alcohol. I grew to the height I am now at a very, very early age. I haven’t been asked for my ID since I was 15. I’ve been going to bars and getting brews for buds since then.
49. What’s your #1 biggest fear?
Clearly my biggest fear is the thought my wife or one of my children passing away before I do. That would leave a huge gapping hole in my heart…
50. Have you ever faced that fear? What happened?
I haven’t had to face that fear.
The last fear I did face was the intense fear I have of snakes. I took the kids to a petting area at a festival last labor day weekend and they had an exhibit of snakes. The kids wanted to see them, and I didn’t want them to be afraid so to set a good example I picked up one of the snakes and held it for a few minutes. Holding a two foot boa was scary, but I did it and as a result the kids gave it a try too and I hope that moment prevents them from having to live in fear of those interesting creatures like I have most of my life.
this is a good friday survey.
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You know, I’m starting to find out there’s a LOT of great guys out there, with great ethics and good hearts. You’re totally one of them. Honest, kind, very cool.
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Yeah, you are a good guy. If I did this, no one here would ever speak to me again.
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Disagree with you on 43, simply because the gamut of human behaviour is so wide, it’s much harder to believe all men would do it than to believe at least some wouldn’t. The latter satisfies the theory that human beings are complex and capable of extreme opposites in behaviour. Laughing now at the idea that my earrings could be classified as “self-mutilation”. 🙂
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