Novel update…

I got an e-mail from another Agent in New York earlier this week. Not only was she interested in my work, but wanted a copy of the entire manuscript for her to read. I eagerly fired over the 4th draft via e-mail attachment, and have been waiting ever since. It will likely take her a few weeks to go through it. I’ve been trying to push ‘The Manifest’ to agents for over a year and a half now with not much success. According to my hotmail folders, I have over 123 rejections so far and counting. I’ve kept every letter and stashed them away in a separate folder, appropreiatly named ‘Rejections’. When my book does publish and sell, I plan to go back to this list and let them all know how I’m doing… yeah, cold but a lot of fun.

I’ve also loaned out a copy of my book to a few friends who are dying to check it out. I’m always open to feedback for future revisions so I wouldn’t mind having the manuscript looked over with a fresh pair of eyes. I am excited about the prospect of getting an agent. I’ve been sending out queries to a ton of them, just looking for that one that will want to back this book and make some money. That person is out there, I just got to keep emailing until I find him/her.

But I’m also going with the plan I’ve already put in place. If I don’t get an agent by Feb/Mar of next year, I’m going to use the settlement money from my Maple Leaf lawsuit (if that comes through, knock on wood) and self publish the book. I really don’t want to go that route, but if I have no choice I plan to invest in my own work and push it via and by launching my own sites to promote it.

So that’s the latest update on the novel. I actually have two other books that I’m working on right now that are near completion. The Cure is hovering around page 180, while the other is around the same spot. I’m not sure I’m going to get them done before November, which is the next Nanowrimo (Nation Novel Writing Month). I plan to participate again and pump out another 50,000 words in 30 days. I might try something new but nothing too radical. But for some reason I work better with a deadline and I get a lot of work done in November just for that reason, so this November I’m going to pump out another novel. If I make the word goal, it will be my fourth successful Nanowrimo in a row. I know I can do it, and I will post updates and samples here as November goes on.

So that’s the update from the Hammer. I hope that everyone is doing well and enjoying their Thursday. I’m going back to work but if things slow down again I promise to come back and leave lots of notes for everyone! Until then, take care.


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September 18, 2009

NaNo keeps coming up!! Last night I happened to find my 2008 NaNo while looking for another doc on my hard drive, this morning a friend texted me an idea she had for her attempt at NaNo ’09 and this is the second entry I’ve read this afternoon that has mentioned it. NaNoWriMo is trying to eat my soul and it’s only September!

September 20, 2009

Your attitude is awesome. So many publishers reject authors who turn out to be major successes, you’d think they’d get it right by now.