Not a nice thing to say…

I got a small payment for my comic services today. And while I had some foolish ideas of what to do with it, I instead ended up giving half of it to my brother to help him out and sent the rest of it to my account for next weeks groceries for my boys when the come to visit. My brother is usually a lot more responsible with his money than I am, but he had a situation that was unexpected. His step-daughter need emergency dental work that was not fully covered, so he blew the rest of his cheque to cover it. He’s always helped me out, so I offered to split my payday to cover him until his next pay.

Yet I had enough left over to not only cover my boys, but to reward myself for doing good work this week, I decided to treat myself to some pizza. I walked up to a place just down the street and ordered a walk in special that included a small pizza and a dozen wings and two sodas. I usually order this special whenever I get food from this place cause I like to eat the wings and a few slices for supper and then save the rest of the pizza for breaky and lunch the next day.

I don’t think this is a very gross meal for one dude to order, especially since I planned to stretch it out to about two or three meals into the future. So as I was walking him with my meal, I passed a guy on the sidewalk and the following exchange occurred:

Man: Enjoy your meal.

Me: Thank you.

Man: You’ll be dead by morning anyway.

Upon hearing that last comment, I stopped walking and turned around to look at the guy as he just kept walking away. I don’t know about you, but that was a terrible thing to say to someone, especially someone he hardly knew at all. Like I said before, this wasn’t a large or extra large pizza, so I think his critique of myself and my food was completely out of line.

The glaring hypocrisy of it all was the man had a smoke his in mouth as he said it to me. Even if my food is one day the death of me, that death will be far less painful than the cancer his cigarette is eventually going to give him.

What brings a person to be so mean, so hateful that he would say something to a person he doesn’t even known? I’m not sure, but I have never really felt angry at someone to say something like that to them, and I hope that I never feel that bitter or hostile to want to say something like that to anyone, especially a total stranger.

While I shouldn’t let what he said bother me, it still kind of did. Part of me feels for the guy and what place he had to be in to do something so cruel, while another part of me now wants to kick up my diet and exercise to prove him wrong.

But just in case cranky Nostradamus’ prediction comes true, I’d like to take a moment here to say goodbye and give everyone my best wishes for the future as well as wish you all peace for years and decades to come.

I’ll catch you on the flip side…


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January 24, 2018

That was cruel. You are a good guy.

January 24, 2018

You’re right, what a nasty thing to say. Don’t you think people have to be very unhappy to have such a nasty attitude? They try real hard to make everyone else just as miserable.

March 2, 2018

he doesn’t know what he’s talking about bc, seriously, breaky pizza is the best. I’m glad, as I’ve seen the next entry, that you got to live to have it!