March Break Madness… Part 1
Every March, I take the boys for the entire March Break. The Ex-Wife always gets called in to help with Daycare centers in the area so I always take both boys the entire week so she’s well rested to work and doesn’t have to pay someone to watch the kids. I get more time with the boys, so its a big win for everyone. So the fun begins with repeated watchings of Godzilla movies, Mamma Mia and other new films.
Ethan had missed out on Thor Ragnarok in theatres, so we sat down and watched it last night. While it had its good moments, I was a tad disappointed in the movie but Ethan seemed to really enjoy it. So I guess that’s the view which counts in the end. It had the slapstick feel of Guardians of the Galaxy to it, and since Ethan loved those movies it’s not that surprising he liked the newest Thor film too. I realize the Marvel movies have humor, but this was too over the top for my liking. I’ve been enjoying the dark, brooding DC films a lot more for the same reason. Less humor, more dark tones.
I’ve got some cool movies for Ethan to watch with me as the week goes on. Ethan and I have an agreement that I’ll watch one Godzilla movie with him of his choice if he watches a movie of my choice. Ethan’s got two Godzilla pictures selected, and I’ve got my movies picked for this week too. I’ve got copies of Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring and The Dark Knight. I have a feeling Ethan will enjoy these films and I’ll do my best to enjoy old Godzilla movies from the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s.
I’m also going to try to get some work done this week, so I can send some money to Dad for next week. That way my transport is paid back in full and I’ve got a little spending money to go shopping with in Florida next week. I’m very excited, less than 7 days away from taking my trip. I will try to post more entries and more pictures this time around. I’ll take a few at the Leaf/Lightning game in Tampa (Go Leafs!), and a few from whatever spring training game we happen to find. I have no plans to hit Disney this time, but you never know. My dad has already booked a day to spend at Cocoa Beach again and I am looking forward to just vegging in the sun and dip my toes into the ocean.
But in the meantime, I’m going to share some good times with the boys and chill. Catch the new Walking Dead after the boys go to sleep, and then crash a little early myself. So I’ll post something tomorrow, but for now I am outta here!
My best,
Have a great time with your boys. Enjoy all the movies.
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You are a wonderful father! Looking forward to viewing and reading about your Florida trip.
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I’m looking forward to Deadpool II
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