Let’s talk about Nano…
It’s October 21st… which means two things:
1) I turn 34 in seven days.
2) NaNoWriMo starts in ten days.
Incase those are not awarey of what that means, NaNoWriMo is sort for ‘National Novel Writing Month’ which is where aspiring writers and even established writers take on a challenge online: Write 50,000 words in 30 days. From Nov 1st until the end of the month, we will have 30 days to write what is the eqivalent of 150 full pages of plot, character and any twists we can come up with. This year will be my fourth Nano, and I am determined to make it my fourth straight successful Nano as well. I’ve made my 50,000 words three years in a row, and 2009 will be no different. I’ve already got chapters and characters plotted down and a map of where I want to this go already in my head. I’m psyched and ready to go, but am well aware going in this is going to be a huge challenge, one that may push me completely out of my element and into uncharted territory.
The reason why this year’s Nano is going to be different is because of my wife Leah. Up to this point she has read none of the stories or books that I have written thus far. She refuses to read not to diss me but because the genre I have been writing for the last few years (suspense/thriller) is not the kind of book she likes nor wants to read. She’s more into the Nora Roberts/romance kind of books, reading mushy stuff about love lost and refound and all that jazz. So this year I am going to make the effort to write a book that she will want to read… that’s right people, I’m going chick lit for this year’s Nano
It’s a bold move, because I’ve never written a novel in this genre before. Like I said going out of my comfort zone big time here, but I’m doing it so I can finally write something that the wife will read without feeling like she’s being forced to eat her brussel sprouts. And in another first, the principal character in my novel is going to be a woman. I’ve never written a female lead in any of my books, the main character always seemed to have outdoor plumbing, but not this year. The entire book is going to be from the perspective of one character, a lady name Lizzy (short for Elizabeth) that is going to do something unique and inspiring to support her during the greiving process. And that’s all I intend to tell you!
As usual, I will make an effort to post excerpts from the new novel on this diary for the reading pleasure of my friends/favs. I hope you guys enjoy reading some of this book as I write it, and hopefully I will not have a hard time reaching my goal of over 50,000 words to earn my fourth straight successful novel writing month. I know I can do it… and I will finally write something Leah will take the time to sit down and give a gander too. Hopefully after reading that, she might give the other stuff a try too. Maybe, but we’ll have to wait and see.
So that is my main plan for the month of November, and it starts in 10 days! I’m very excited and ready to write. Anyone who is writing this year is more than free to add me to their buddy list… my username is Peter_24601 (Well surprise, surprise… eh?)
Good luck to my fellow OD writers who are going to take on the Nano and I promise to leave lots of cheerleader notes and modivate others as much as I can this coming month. Those who use the NaNoWriMo circle will get extra, guarenteed attention. Good luck to all, and happy writing!
Good luck to you! I’m writing this year as well–a romance novel! Ha!
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Wish it didn’t have to be a novel – I have a great story to tell, but it’s all true!!
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Good luck! I have no idea what I’m writing yet.
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good luck!
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All I can think of right now is Mr. Garrison reading out loud what he’s writing for his romance novels. 🙂
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Good luck with Nano! I don’t know why but it’s always stuck a nerve with me when someone uses the phrase “the wife”. I know men don’t mean anything degrading but it but it’s always bugged me. Shrug…
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I’m gonna give this a try. I’m not sure how it’s going to go, because I don’t really know what I’m writing about, nor do I know what the heck I’m doing. I haven’t written stories since I was a kid doing Young Authors in school.
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Good for you for trying a new genre! I’m trying it again this year and hoping to devote more time to it than I have in the last couple of years.
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Les Mis fan, much? *random noter* Hope the novel thing goes well!
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