Hard earned tax dollars at work…

First heard about this from Shukhevych

This person has a lot of free time on his/her hands, and made a mock commerical of that popular bud light ‘men of genuis’ series. During this manufactured commercial, the person at the same time addresses a very serious issue, that being the waste of education dollars on top brass while the bottom (being our teachers and kids) are left without necessities to pay for the fat cats. Take a look at this commercial and you can see what problem the person has with this.

It’s a very funny video, but it sends a strong message. When the schools can’t afford to get everything they need for the kids… why are they shelling of $200,000 for a guy who does less work than the average teacher? It doesn’t make sense and I’m glad videos like bring out the hypocrisy of that man’s position and salary. Word is that the people this video talk about are not impressed, but I guess the truth hurts, eh?


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NJ’s high property taxes (the highest in the nation) can be essentially directed from one cause (besides ridiculous bureaucrat salaries): the abbott vs. burke decision of the NJ Supreme COurt, which mandated tons of new money for a select group of some 31 school districts. In fact, these 31 districts get more money than the 550 or so other districts. Basically, the suburbs subsidizing the cities.

September 14, 2006

The teachers I taught with last year not only taught all day, but then went to a second job and still some of them had to leave the state because they couldn’t afford to even rent an apt here! They are talking about having subsidized housing for teachers and their families. Isn’t that just plain SAD?? *shakes head*