Greetings from Quarantine…
This entry is being written from my ‘severe flu’ quarantine here in the Hammer. I’m locked away in my bedroom, but thankfully I have access to the wife’s laptop and can at least surf thanks to our handy, dandy wireless router. Go Belkin!
It looks like the meds are finally kicking in as the throat isn’t as sore, fevers are wearing down and the hacking is dying down a bit. But as ordered I am having as little contact with anyone as possible. Even when I have to go down and hang out with the rugrats, I put the medical mask on to keep exposure to a minimum. Everytime I sneezed or blew snots I would immediately wash my hands like I was prepping to perform surgery.
Flu season has been insame here in the Hammer. Ethan’s school has been declared an outbreak zone, which is why we’ve kept him home all week. Not like home is any better since both myself and Jon are sick as well. Jon’s had some coughs and a fever here and there, but no where near the hell I’ve been going through. Hey, better me than the little guy…
With this area being as bad as it is (Ethan’s school is only a block away) Leah and I have considered not letting the boys out to trick or treat this year, just to be safe. We will wait till the last moment before making a final decision.
Hope everyone is doing all right, and I might be back to leave another update if I get really, really bored. Until then, stay healthy!
Did they close Ethan’s school because of the flu or did you just keep him home on your own? The plague must be worse up there than around here. Hope you get well fast.
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