First Xmas with my new little fella…

I wasn’t able to spend much time with Owen and the girls as I had Ethan and Jon at my place for the holiday this year. All the kids had a great Christmas and are looking forward to the year ahead.  I got to see the younger kids yesterday, and Kat is now staying over for a few nights, which is my way of trying to ease her momma’s burden. I’m just happy all the kids are having a good time, even the newbie!

Here are a few awesome pics from this week of the little kiddos:

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Everyone keeps asking me what I got for Xmas myself and I give them all the same answer. I only got one gift and his name is Owen. Good luck trying to top that gift. Owen wasn’t even supposed to be here until mid-Jaunary, so having him home for Xmas is an unexpected bonus. He’s doing well, and eating well too which is why all of his follow up appointments have been perfect thus far! 

As you can see, I have a lot to be grateful for this holiday season and in the new year to come. I’m looking forward to spending a lot of time with the kids, and getting more projects done as I have a lot of catching up to do.

I hope everyone here had a happy holiday, and stay safe going into the new year!



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December 29, 2024

That’s a real Christmas gift, and one you’ll never forget! I love the photos.

1 week ago

Cute pictures!

We don’t exchange Christmas gifts anymore. We give experiences for Christmas. Every Christmas we do some kind of food and event combo and we pay for everyone, our kids’ families and grandkids. This last Christmas we went to this HUGE in-door miniature golf place that was also a semi-fancy restaurant. It was good fun. And no Christmas shopping is a plus for me! lol