Even more pictures!

Couldn’t help it. I’m just having too much fun with this webcam. I really need to get one of my own!


Forget Jon Travolta, look out Fred Estaire!

Ethan got a haircut over the weekend for the wedding. Nice, eh?

This is a painting by Wildlife Artist Richard Manners. It’s a Swan, painted on a Swan feather. I gave it to Leah for her birthday in 1997. The first b-day gift I ever gave her. Mr. Manners is a friend of my father and he let me have it for a sweet price…

A picture of our kitchen, don’t mind the mess…

Jonthan sleeping in his crib. Looks to peaceful, doesn’t he?

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Now you got the young’un pole dancing? Tisk tisk!

March 16, 2006

RYN: I happen to think most Americans are well aware of Bush’s incompetence and Republican corruption. The problem is that they don’t seem to think the Democrats would be much better. The Democrats haven’t provided anything resembling a counteragenda. Even something minimal would give people SOMETHING to grasp on to. Being vague might have worked for Stephen Harper’s Tories, but the difference is

March 16, 2006

we don’t have minority governments in this country. Besides, it seems like Harper was less negative in the 2nd campaign than the 1st and while he didn’t stop criticizing Liberal corruption (which people were well aware of) he seemed more focused on pushing what passed for the Tory agenda.

The pictures didnt show up for me. But your son already reminds me of a young “Chunk” from the goonies.

March 16, 2006

U have some handsome boys! I want a boy !!!!!

I don’t see the pics either.

March 16, 2006

Your sons are adorable. What’s up with the Chunk comment?

March 16, 2006

^^^Perhaps everyone ought to demand to see pictures of Arse’s daughter, so we can all make unkind comments about her. Sheesh. Your galley kitchen reminds me of all of my apartments. No matter how clean they are, they always look cluttered and messy. I never figured out why apartment kitchens always seemed to be an afterthought, and the size of a closet.

March 16, 2006

he blends in perfectly 😉