Epic tea time with Alan Rickman

When talking about their favorite actors, you’ll often hear people state: ‘I would tune in to watch him/her read the phone book.’ Which is the nicest thing you can say about an actor’s ability to take the most boring thing and even make that look exciting.

For example, here is Alan Rickman having a cup of tea and making it look badass:

I don’t know about you, but that was epic. Totally awesome!


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August 20, 2012

Alan Rickman is always awesome.

August 20, 2012

Alan Rickman is great. I think he and Benedict Cumberbatch and Stephen Fry should do a phone book reading together. I’ll be first in line to buy the tickets.

August 20, 2012

Oh my gosh! He is amazingly superb! This is why you see his movies…ya love to hate him.